Chapter 10

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Theodosia helped Shaye off the horse and into the cottage. She couldn't help but feel bad for her. This must be so hard to lose the one she loved. Theodosia knew that this was her fault, but she had no power to fix it. This is why she wanted to stay in the bay, there was no true love or family that she had to protect. Nobody that she would spend endless nights crying for. Even her mother had left her before she could speak. Rolfe told her that her mother never wanted a child so she left when Theodosia was born. No one cared. Not even her own mother. It was sad, yes. But no one relied on her, and she didn't rely on anyone else. It was better this way, easier.


Shaye walked into the barn too emotionally tired to resist. No matter how heartless Theodosia was, she wasn't a monster. Noelle left to bring some water from a nearby stream. She was sleeping before Noelle returned. Shaye had vivid nightmares about the night before. Watching Turner dance with her, kiss her one last time. She saw Turner die in the dreams in various ways. Each time he died, time would turn back just for him to die again in a different way. But each time, her legs froze. And she had to watch, powerless as she saw her first true love meet his end. In her head, it felt like the dream would never end. Shaye would wake up, eat, drink, and go back to sleep.

Shaye only got up after a week and she couldn't stand doing anything while the wyrdkey was still out there.

"Hey," the girl with fiery red glossy hair whispered in a calm quiet voice.

"I don't think I ever caught your name since we first met," Shaye inquired, moving into a sitting position on the edge of the hay. The hay was itchy and uncomfortable but that was the least of her concerns.

"I'm Noelle,' the girl replied softly.

"I met your friend a while back and she stayed with me here."

Shaye was going to correct her by clarifying that Theodosia and she were not friends, but it wasn't exactly vital information at the time.


Theodosia walked in through the barn doors wearing a simple white top with grey pants. Noelle offered her to wear anything she wished. She felt more comfortable in the clothes she usually wore, but this would have to do for now. Theodosia peered around the corner to see Shaye laying on a makeshift bed. Her shoulders sagged. Shaye looked so helpless compared to the first day they met. She looked vulnerable, weak. Shaye and she met each other's eyes.

Both Theodosia and Shaye were unsure of what they felt at the moment. Their faces were unreadable. Theodosia thought Shaye would return to sleep as she had been last week but instead, she stood up and brushed herself off. Shaye walked past Theodosia as if she wasn't there, and walked outside. It had to be freezing for Shaye but she did not appear to mind. Theodosia sighed and non-hesitantly followed her.

"Why did you bring me here?" Shaye asked, still not turning to face Theodosia, who stood behind her.

"I couldn't just leave you there. You would easily be killed for your crimes of lying about my death."

"Why would you care about me."

"Just 'cause I'm a pirate and I'm prettier doesn't mean I don't have a heart."

"Hah, you wish," Shaye commented with a half-smirk.

Theodosia hadn't heard Shaye laugh other than when they were fighting each other. Theodosia sighed as she walked up to Shaye and put her hand on her shoulder. They looked out into the mountains.

"So... Has your father ever mentioned wyrdkeys?" Shaye asked, still gazing off into the distance.

Theodosia was surprised that Shaye was talking about so many things even though she just lost a loved one.

"Yes, actually. Not very much, though. Why do you ask?" Theodosia added softly.

Theodosia wondered how Shaye and she would be once Shaye got back to her normal self. She didn't seem like the same person she had tried to kill on various occasions. Shaye was more kind. Not even Theodosia could turn a blind eye as if she did not see how the princess reacted to Turner dying. She had never heard someone scream like that. Theodosia could sense the pain that ran throughout Shaye that night. Theodosia also had the feeling that the pain would linger in Shaye for a long time after. Theodosia almost felt guilty for flirting with Turner. But that was in the past and she could not change the past. Theodosia could only accept her decisions and move forward.

"That's why your parents sent for me, isn't it?"

Shaye responded with a curt nod.

"They need it back."

Theodosia sighed, this was not her problem to fix. But she forced herself to help her, she felt obligated to after what happened at the ball. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to help the princess. Plus, who knows what her father planned to use the key for.

"I think I know where it is," Theodosia mentioned.

Shaye whipped her head around to face Theodosia.

"You do?"


"Where?" Shaye asked. A small flicker of hope beamed in Shaye's blue and gold eyes.

Theodosia looked at Shaye, with a flicker of pain in her eyes.



When Shaye and Theodosia bid farewell to Noelle. They started their journey south. Noelle was free to join them but she decided to stay back. Noelle had the wolf pups to take care of and she couldn't just leave them. They traveled heading towards the eastern coast. Theodosia and Shaye would travel to Suria and go from there.

Their first problem came up once they passed through Perranth. A group of 6 guards spotted them and ran to capture them. Apparently, the queen had promised a reward to whoever could return her daughter home safely.

After a quick fight and minor injuries, Shaye and Theodosia walked away not caring enough to hide or bury the bodies.

After a few more days, they knew they were almost to the coast.

"What's it like being the heir to the biggest country in the land?" Theodosia wondered.

"It's not that extreme. I will take over the throne for quite some time."

"Majority of the work is just going to meetings and planning things. My mom has teams of people who can take care of individual problems. She has some people in her court deal with other countries like Ardarlan and the Western Wastes. She has her armies to protect and fight if war did ever come again."

Warner had been killed by a dagger through the throat. He was supposed to take the position as captain of the guard but now Malachi would have to since the top two people in line were dead.

"What does the daughter of the pirate lord do?" Shaye asked Theodosia

"Pirate things," Theodosia said grinning.

They could smell the salty ocean before they saw it. After a few steps, they could see the crashing waves hit the shore. The birds flying over the sea. The sun was almost fully up. The perfect final touch was when they saw the ships in the harbor in Suria only slightly off in the distance.

"We need a plan," Shaye reminded, as they hid behind a pile of barrels.

"No we don't, it's simple we just go up there, and take it."

"Not simple, there are people everywhere."

"Fine, and I suppose that you have a better idea?"

Shaye looked around at the bustling sailors, "Of course I do." 

Sea Of Seagulls: A Pirate and Fae Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें