Chapter 6

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Theodosia has been famished for days now. After a week's journey west, she saw yet again another village. After traveling through the end, Since she traveled so high up the mountains, it was a relief to see anyone. This mountain differed from the last one she had seen for it was capped with white blankets of snow.

From where she was standing, the village appeared small. After she made her way into the center of the town, it felt never-ending. Theodosia felt as if she was in a fairytale, for the first ten minutes. Then she started to feel the cold nipping her right to the bone. What a sight she must be, a pirate miles away from the sea shivering in the cold. There was nobody outside, it seemed... Abandon. But in its sense, it reminded Theodosia slightly of the bay. She missed her home, she missed the salty smell of the sea. And the dark, twisting corners of the alleys. But there was no way of getting there now, not until she found a way to get out of the mountains. First things first, Theodosia thought she needed someplace to stay until she was strong enough to make the journey home.

She snapped out of her daydreams and walked past the last few shops making her way towards a nearby barn as it started to snow. She had only been up here for a day and she was already sick of it. She would take the broiling heat of the bay over snow any day.


Shaye's mind became a whirlwind of chaos. How had her parents not mentioned anything to her? She should have asked. Should have known before she hurried to Skull's Bay. Why hadn't her parents told her? Was there even a fair reason to keep something this big from their daughter?

Shaye knew she had to confront her parents. She had to get answers to all of the questions rushing into her brain. Shaye paced down the long corridors to reach the dining hall. She already told her maid that she would not be attending dinner.

From a distance, all she could hear was faint whispering.

"She took the dragon without asking," Manon roared in frustration.

"I told her to ask you before she left," Aelin explained calmly.

Manon looked at Aelin and Rowan. She turned to Dorian.

"What were those two thinking making a little demon seed of a kid," Manon mocked in a voice everyone would hear.

"You know what, this place might be burned to ashes when that girl becomes queen one day," Lorcan joked.

"She will be a great queen one day," Elide chirped, sitting on the Lorcan's left.

Shaye listened to her parents and their friends talk. They were always bantering and never agreed on anything. She loved having her relatives around. Elide and Lorcan came from Perranth rarely, even though the village was so close. Manon and Dorian came often but only for a few days at a time. Chaol watched over Ardarlan. He still visited every once in and while. Aedion joined Chaol claiming he would not survive without his help. Aedion also brought his son, Luke to go with him.

Shaye placed her hand on the gold handle of the hall doors. She was about to push the door open when someone interrupted her.

"I know you want to know more about the wyrdkeys but can I just talk to you for one minute?" Turner conveyed, almost pleading.

"What is more important than wyrdkeys? Why do you need to speak now? Don't you have a job anyway?"

Shaye didn't have time for this. She burned with anger and needed to speak to her parents now before she cowered out. She could speak to Turner later. But her yelling at him didn't scare him off.

"I know you are stressing right now. I know you have a lot on your mind right now. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the ball with me."

Oh, the ball. Shaye completely forgot. She did not even think of the upcoming event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the war.

"Yes, I can go with you. But you do need to understand that I have priorities," Shaye ranted, not apologetically.

"I'll let you get back to your priorities then," was all Turner purred before leaving. Shaye could have sworn that she saw him smile and blush before he turned to walk away.

Shaye did love Turner. They were raised together since his parents were close with hers. She just had a hard time showing it in her busy life. Shaye wondered how he stayed with her for so long being so supportive throughout everything. Even when she took her anger out on him, he was still understanding.


Theodosia crept into the barn, sighing from the wave of heat on her face. She slumped into a pile of hay exhausted from the days of journeying. Theodosia closed her eyes tightly, curling up with her head heavy. She was almost asleep when she felt a drop of water on her face. She flinched, but her eyes remained closed. Another drop, this time in a different spot. Followed by heavy breathing. She just wanted to sleep, regardless she opened her eyes and stifled a scream. Theodosia scrambled up and threw herself onto a ladder breathing heavily. Two small black eyes looked up at her.

"Scram you vicious creature."

The animal responded with a cock of its head. And started wagging its tail. Theodosia let out another shriek.

"He won't hurt you." A voice whispered from the shadows.

"Show yourself," Theodosia demanded, her voice defensive.

A woman walked out and took the beast into her arms. She had long red locks and was wearing a long black dress lined with fur. She had bright green eyes laced with amusement.

"I'm Noelle."

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