Chapter 16

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"So she's your mother?" Theodosia asked, still confused from earlier in the abandoned bunker.

"Yes, I think," Noelle said, "And she may be able to help track down the wyrdkey you two were talking about."

The three girls traveled to Calaculla. Noelle rode on her white horse called Schuyler. Theodosia rode on the same horse as Noelle while Shaye flew high above in her hawk form.

Shaye handled Noelle a small pouch when they arrived. Her valuables were in there including jewelry and diamonds worth high value.

"That should be more than enough," Shaye assured Noelle.

Noelle walked into the village full of people. She eyed around the village until she came upon the horse stables. Noelle had a short conversation with an old guy. Shaye watched as the man took the pouch and released two Asterion horses. One was a warm chestnut brown while the other was black with spots of grey.

Noelle took the leads to the horses out of the village to where Theodosia and Shaye waited.

"Choose your horse," Noelle sweetly stated.

"I want the brown one," Theodosia responded quickly.

"I'm naming it Killian," She announced shortly after looking at her new ride, a smile spread across her face.

Shaye took up the second leed. The eyes were a golden color. Shaye thought for a second before naming hers.

"Mine is Meredith," Shaye revealed as she kissed the horse's nose.

"We should get going. We have the queen's guards after us and we need to get that wyrdkey as soon as possible," Theodosia pointed out.

The three girls adjusted the saddles to stay in place on the horse's back as they mounted their massive horses readying themselves for the trip ahead.

"Let's go, we don't have all day," Shaye commanded, as they all tugged on their reigns and went off towards the Red Desert.


They passed through the Oakwald forest. It was the southern tip of the forest they went through. Theodosia and Killian rode up behind Shaye and Noelle. They decided to stop in Innish in Melisande. Mist covered the town. Shaye had mentioned something about her mother coming here a long time ago. Theodosia could not remember why and she was not that eager to know.

Innish was almost just as bad as Skull's Bay. The place reeked like her home but more of trash than fish guts. There was a small inn that was known to be the best in the little port town. Shaye also knew someone who used to work in the inn.

They considered taking a break at the inn but decided against it. Instead, the three rode their horses to the edge of the town and made a campfire. The sun was setting, the sky-colored pink and orange.

"You know, we barely know anything about you besides you like animals," Theodosia mentioned.

"I know archery. That is how I killed the deer you are eating right now," Noelle replied.

"Where are you from?" Shaye asked politely.

"I don't remember much but I lived in the Western Wates and was raised by many people in town. I remember faintly having a mother but she kinda disappeared when I was still a kid. I recently traveled to Rosamel where I found the wolves. I've been calling that place home since you've known me."

" I know how you feel. I never even met my mother. Rolfe never talked about her or what she was like. I think she might have died but I can't be sure," Theodosia explained sympathetically.

"Princess over here got lucky and has two parents who won't stop until they return her safe and sound," Theodosia remarked, eying Shaye who was eating her meal. It had been a day or so since their last meal which was some wild berries and some rabbit. Theodosia and Shaye were much better at killing people than animals.

"I don't have a perfect life you know," Shaye commented.

For a moment, Theodosia thought Shaye was going to bring up Turner. The look on Shaye's face showed that she considered it but opted out.

"I don't think we would be the women we are today if our lives had been perfect," Noelle added after the uncomfortable silence.

"They do say that you would never be truly happy if you never felt pain. Pain is what gives value to the happy moments," Noelle shared.

They were all already done eating but did not get up. Even though they had to continue traveling west soon, it was nice to take a break Theodosia told herself. Theodosia, Shaye, and Noelle stared intently at the fire. They could all relax for a moment. Who knew what they would encounter in the Red Desert.

"What will you do when you meet your mother?" Shaye inquired.

"I'm not sure. I found an old piece of paper in one of my jackets. It had the name Briarcliff. I asked in Allsbrook and Perranth if they knew and they said it was a place in the Western Wastes. I met you guys in Eyllwe when I was looking for logs of anyone from Briarcliff. Now maybe Ansel could be my mother if I'm right."

"I would be so nervous," Shaye popped in.

"I would be so anxious about why they weren't in my life. Had something bad happened or did they just not want me? It would be too much to process for me," Shaye explained.

"I didn't even consider looking for her before I saw the note in my jacket. Now I don't see how it could go too far wrong. I'm an adult so it's not like she would have to take care of me," Noelle expressed with a light chuckle.

They put out the fire and collected their things.

Their next major area to travel through was the Bogdano Jungle. It was unexplored territory for the three of them.

They left the miniature town without saying goodbye and made their way into the darkness. Theodosia would not miss this place. It was nothing more than an area barely lit with a few homeless people and a weathered little inn. She would not miss the smell or the fog that drifted through the town during their night.

There had to be a first for everything Theodosia thought preparing herself for whatever came next.

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