Chapter 46

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 Jack walked into town with the rest of his group looking for food. They had pooled their money together Samuel somehow had the most. They found a small tavern that was mostly empty other than a few people in the corner of the shack-like building.

"This place is filthy," Noelle complained as Samuel propped her on a stool.

"Remind me to never invite you to Skull's Bay then," Theodosia jokes.

"Five glasses of rum," Theodosia told the bartender.

"I said I'm not drinking it," Noelle wined.

"I know you aren't."

"The second glass is for me, honey."

Shaye drank the bottle, gulping it down quickly.

"Since when did you do that?" Jack asked, utterly confused and amazed.

"Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I can't drink."

"Where are you heading after all of this blows over, Theodosia?" Jack asked leaning against the bar counter.

"I'm going home. My dad can't run that hellhole alone. He might look like a good man but he is a drunk."

After hours at the bar drinking, Samuel and Noelle decided that it was time to leave. Shaye and Theodosia were insanely drunk, barely capable of walking. Jack carried Theodosia and Samuel carried Shaye out the door into the town square.

Theodosia insisted on dancing but she would twist her ankle if she took any step.

"Not tonight."

Jack admired her. Even though she was dangerous at times, he admired her fire. Her ability to hold so much power. That was real control.

He laid her down in the grass and propped her head up against a stone. Shaye layed a few feet away, breathing heavily in her sleep.

Jack made his way towards Noelle and Samuel who sat around a fire.

"They are a strange pair," Samuel said, his eyes lost in a trance by the fire.

"That's what makes them work. They are the different sides of the same coin." Noelle commented.

"Theodosia though, her eyes are always so full of passion, no matter if it is anger, sadness, or even happiness, her eyes always burn with emotion."

"Is this new or has this been going on for some time," Noelle asked, grinning.

"I don't think it's safe to answer that. Theodosia would kill me no matter my answer."

"I wouldn't kill you," a voice wined. Theodosia's voice.

Jack fumbled standing to go to her. Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed, but a smirk was set on her face. Jack let out a sigh. She won't remember this, Jack told himself.

He stood to return to the fire but Theodosia mumbled something. Jack hoped that what he heard was a misunderstanding. But when she repeated herself louder, he heard her crystal clear.

"I'm a pirate. I'm the daughter of the pirate lord. I'm surprised that you think I get drunk that easily," she said.

Theodosia opened her eyes staring into Jack's. She smiled before she hoped up from the ground, brushing off the grass that was on her.

"Wait, hold on a second."

"Are you really this slow? I don't get drunk. That's what I said right?"

"Yeah but that would mean you heard..."

"Yep. Don't worry. I like you too."

Jack was about to say something, he wasn't sure what, but he didn't get a chance before she kissed him. It was short but soft. He didn't get a chance to kiss her back before she pulled away. She grabbed his hand pulling him with her as she walked to the others.

Noelle grinned at his embarrassment.

"W-Why did you do that in the first place," Jack asked, still shocked.

"Why not."

"You know, Noelle and I could leave...," Samuel started.

"You move, this blade might accidentally hit your eye. That would be such a tragedy, wouldn't it," Theodosia spinned a dagger between her fingers.

What had he gotten himself into?

"What's going on?" Shaye mumbled tilting her head up, gazing at them.

"Go back to sleep," Theodosia yelled at her.

Shaye laid her head back down without saying anything else.

"I-I'm sorry," Noelle apologized.

"I shouldn't have trusted her. I should have seen straight through her lies. Astrid would be alive if I did."

"She knew what she was doing when she did it," Samuel spoke quietly.

"Even though she was crazy at times, she was smart. Astrid knew that she was saving the good side," he added.

Jack placed a hand on Samuel's shoulder. Maybe he wasn't so bad or irritating after all.

"You know we have to split up right?" Theodosia eyes filled with sadness.

"I got an idea," Samuel started.

"Why don't we all go to Skull's Bay. Not forever but for a while."

Theodosia looked at Noelle who's face filled with disgust.

"It isn't that bad you know."

"You called it a hellhole earlier," Noelle reminded her.

"You don't have to go if it is such a problem for you," Theodosia informed her yet again.

Noelle let out a sigh of aggravation before getting up and limping her way to sit against a tree near Shaye.

Jack gave Theodosia a hand to help her up which she batted away. Jack, Theodosia, and Samuel all made their way over to Noelle and Shaye. Theodosia laid next to Shaye, Jack on the other side. And Samuel propped himself against a nearby tree. They could rest at last. Jack was amazed at how much happened in such a short amount of time. He wished his brother didn't have to die for it all to happen. He felt a sense of guilt because he wouldn't change a thing if he had the chance to do it all over again. Theodosia was a dangerous choice but maybe that is what his life needed. The past few weeks were the most eventful and crazy times of his whole life.

He understood Theodosia a bit better. It was fun having no plan, no rules holding you back. He hoped that fun wouldn't end soon. He prayed it wouldn't.

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