Chapter 45

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 She just laid there, red blood seeping into the earth. Ansel was gone but so was Noelle. That cloud of black looked so familiar. Too familiar Shaye thought. She ran down to where Theodosia was, kneeling at Noelle's body.

"She's gone," Theodosia cried,

"No," Shaye whispered,

She was not about to give up on Noelle. Not yet, not ever. It took her a moment but then she finally remembered, she remembered the cloud. Her dream. The same thing had happened to Ansel in her dream. The only difference was that Noelle lived. She thought of how that was possible when a voice rang in her head. A male voice that she recognized but couldn't remember. It was the same voice who talked to her in the coma. The same voice that told her to make him pay. The same voice that told her to save her friend. Her friend. Shaye reached at the core of her powers, the thread never left. The new power tugged for her to use. The energy straining for an escape a way out. When the time comes, save your friend from the end, the voice reminded her.

Not waiting for another second, Shaye released the power flowing through her veins, electrifying every cell in her body. Noelle didn't flinch one inch or twitch a single eyelash. Nothing happened, Shaye pulled harder. Channeling her emotions towards Noelle and Noelle only.

Shaye closed her eyes tightly, holding back the river of tears ready to flood the earth.

Her vision blurred, darkness crowded her vision.

"Shaye, how did you do that?" she heard Samuel asked, stunned.

"Did what?" Shaye stuttered,

She opened her eyes, there was Noelle. Staring straight at her. This couldn't be real, she thought, Noelle was dead.

Shaye looked at Noelle as she glanced around, then down at her leg. She ran her fingers down to her ankle. Her injuries were gone.

"Shaye," Noelle started,

No, she was most definitely alive.
"What the hell did you just do?" Noelle said,

Shaye could hear the excitement in her voice, but she also felt her fear. Don't panic, Shaye thought, it was just going to make things worse.

Noelle breathed heavily as she looked at Shaye. The silence screamed into her ears. Shaye didn't dare speak, she was too afraid. Afraid that Noelle would be scared of her, that she would run. That Noelle would call her a monster.

She jumped as she heard a shriek from behind her. Theodosia pushed past Shaye and tackled Noelle into a hug snapping Shaye from her thoughts.

"I thought you were dead," Theodosia said as she put both her hands on Noelle's shoulders.

"Yeah so did I," Noelle mumbled, stealing a glance at Shaye.

Shaye examined her neck, blood still there but no cut. What the hell did she just do?

"Hey!" Jack yelled, standing next to Samuel who was bent over the black-haired girl.

"I-Is she okay?" Noelle mumbled, taking her time to get up.

"She's dead," Samuel said, his voice breaking,

She sacrificed herself to save a bunch of strangers. Shaye thought to herself, Who was she?

Walking up to where the guys were, kneeling by the girl, Shaye could see her face, her fine features.

"She was... She was my sister," Samuel stuttered.

"I'm sorry."

Jack placed a hand on Samuel's shoulder, as if to say, I know this pain. I know what you are feeling. It was true thanks to Ansel. She killed Jack's only remaining family. Samuel paid Jack no acknowledgment. He simply kneeled, his tears falling onto the spiritless girl he knew as his sister.

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