Chapter 51

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Rolfe fought well, his sword always aiming for lethal hits. Jack held his sword, trying to replicate the way Theodosia taught him. Theodosia and Shaye stood to the side, waiting for someone to mess up. Rolfe blocked Jack's strike for his neck. He threw himself forward too much letting Rolfe slice into his back. Jack swore from the pain but kept his sword up. He wasn't dead yet. The battle wouldn't end until one of them was left on the ground, the other walking away.

Jack could see Theodosia watching him. His every move, likely full of error. Why did his first fight have to be with a pirate lord? Rolfe glanced to his daughter, his eyes trailing away for a second. At that moment, Jack struck, A deep slice to Rolfe's chest. He bled red pouring onto the ground.

Rolfe backed up, grasping his chest with his hand as if he could hold the blood in. The blood dripped down his hand, it streaming to his elbow before it dripped off.

Jack stared at him, his eyes the same as Theodosia's forest green. The only difference was the story behind the eyes. Theodosia's full of passion and Rolfe's full of fear. Rolfe dropped his sword, an action to show a surrender but Jack didn't accept it.

He used his left hand to shove Rolfe against a wall. Rolfe looked just as weak as he was. No fury but just a sad, pathetic, old man. Rolfe's eyes watched the end of the blade. Ready to beg for his life, Jack aimed and shot the blade through his heart. He used all the power in his body to drive the sword further. Rolfe had been pinned to the wall, the sword dug into the wall behind him.

Jack turned to face Theodosia to see her face. Too much emotion showed. A mix of fear but hope and excitement. He had just killed Theodosia's father. He had ended his life, his body on display. Jack walked to the others unsure of what to say or do. Theodosia watched him, her eyes piercing into him. He tried thinking of something to say, but what do you say after you murder someone's father in front of them.

Jack started to stand by Samuel but Theodosia stopped him. She gripped his wrist, pulling him to look at her, see her eyes, her soul. She took a moment to try to read his face but he didn't even know what he felt.

She pulled him to her as she threw his arms around her, her head buried into his chest. Jack wasn't sure if she was laughing or crying or both but he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, glancing at Rolf's dead body.

Theodosia took a deep breath in and pulled away.

She looked at her father, laying on the streets. After a long moment of silence, she finally spoke.

"Bring him back," she mumbled.

Shaye looked up, "what?"

"Bring him back," She repeated.

"Theodosia I..,"

"Bring him back,"


Shaye took a deep breath and walked up to him. She kneeled down, avoiding the blood pooled on the ground. Shaye placed her hand on his forehead. It wasn't cold, she thought, she could save him. She looked back at Theodosia.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked, one last time.

"Without question,"

Shaye sighed, she tugged at the power in her gut. She had more confidence this time, more control. More control on bringing back the dead. Good, the male voice in her mind assured her, you're doing it. Shaye turned her attention to the pirate lord. He was waking up. She backed away with a quick glance at Theodosia.

"Whatever you're going to do," Shaye reminded her, "I've got your back."

Theodosia responded with a grim smile.

He was fully awake now. Theodosia jerked her head towards him.

"Don't say a word." she snapped as he opened his mouth, "You need to listen to me."

He closed his mouth, and a flicker of hope sparked in his eyes.

"Remember Shaye, the one you were about to kill. She just saved your life. Despite her beliefs that you didn't deserve it. You lied to me. You cheated my mother. You threatened her life. You tore everyone apart. And all for petty, selfish reasons. You didn't care about any of us, just yourself. You kept me away from my sister. Not to mention Ansel. By the looks of it, I should have left you to stay dead."

He remained expressionless, taking in her every word,

"But you are my father," she continued, "I can't just let you die when there is a way to stop it. So I came with an alternative."

He narrowed his eyes, still quiet.

"For the rest of your miserable life, you can rot in a brig and think about all the things you've done. You can suffer." Theodosia spat with a half-smile.

"Death is too good for you anyway," she said once more before turning away.

"Your mother would be so disappointed in you," he yelled, standing up.

She stopped in her tracks, "One of us is the disappointment here and it sure as hell ain't me."

She left him without another word, as two pirates took him away.    

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