The Guy in the Bar (Part II)

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Hotch's head snapped up from his paperwork, taking you in. He just looked at you, shocked.

'You're Agent Hotchner?'

'You're Agent Y/L/N?' He finally spoke, meeting your eyes as you both unanimously realised your faux par. 'Close the door please.'

You did as you were told and went to sit in the chair across from him as he indicated for you to do so. For a long moment, you just looked at eachother. Should have seen this one coming really.

You cleared your throat, sick of the silence that was deafening. 'So, umm... I suppose you're my boss then.'

'Umm-hmmm.' He didn't speak, only nodding. He wore a serious expression, and with that look and that suit you couldn't believe that you'd missed the fact that he was an Agent. You're supposed to be a profiler for God's sake.

You shifted your line of sight to the bookcase behind him, ladened with awards and a photo of Aaron and a young boy, and back to him. His gaze never shifted from your eyes- it was slightly disconcerting really.

Suddenly, much to his surprise, you burst out laughing. He simply looked dumbstruck. 'Agent Y/L/N, I don't understand what you're finding funny here.'

'Look,' you spoke kindly. 'We can either make this incredibly awkward and tip-toe around each other forever, or we can just accept that things happen and move on. We've shagged, so what? I'm perfectly capable of maintaining a professional demeanour as long as you are.'

Hotch nodded. If there was one thing he could do, it was that. 'Ok then, Agent Hotchner, I look forward to working with you.'

You extended your hand and he met it, just as he had the night before. Holding on for a fraction too long, neither party cared to admit the shock of electricity you felt when you touched. Professional; strictly professional.

'I look forward to working with you too, Agent Y/L/N.'

'Hotch, we've got a case.' A blonde-haired petite woman announced as she opened the door. Five minutes later, you were meeting the team.

— — —

'Hey, mama.' Morgan said as you entered the meeting room, Hotch following closely behind you. Hotch simply looked at him, and he retreated ever so slightly. God Aaron is grumpy.

A second later, a blonde girl in a flowery dress with an infectious smile hurried over to you, holding out her hand and introducing herself as Penelope Garcia before changing her mind and going straight for a hug. You laughed slightly at her abruptness, introducing yourself back into Garcia's shoulder. You liked this girl already. 'Ok Babygirl, let the poor woman breathe.'

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