Dharma and Greg

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Aaron had messaged you earlier saying he'd just got back from a case so you had invited him to come over

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Aaron had messaged you earlier saying he'd just got back from a case so you had invited him to come over. You busy about the kitchen putting on some pasta to boil as you cut up some onions, courgette and red peppers and put them in a wok to cook. You add some chopped up chicken pieces and a tin of chopped tomatoes, putting the lid on whilst it cooks. Twenty minutes later you drain the pasta and turn the hob down to a sizzle. Just as you add some basil and oregano there's a knock at the door. Taking off your apron you had put on to protect your low v-neck t-shirt, you open the door and smile up at Aaron.

'Hiya beautiful.'

'Heya handsome.' You smile before reaching up to pull him into a kiss. You start off slow, but as you wrap your arms around his neck and he holds you by the waist, you both deepen the kiss simultaneously. As you finally pull away, he smiles down at you.

'Wow. If that's the hello I'm gonna get every time I come back from a case then I'm gonna start paying hit-men to kill people.'

'That sounds totally legal.' You say as you grab his hand, closing the door behind you as you drag him into the kitchen.

'It smells good.' He says as you start to plate up, coming up behind you and placing his arms around you, taking his time as he softly kisses down your neck. You close your eyes and stop your movements, moaning slightly as you lean back into him. 'You smell good.' He mutters imbetween kisses. You smile as he holds you, opening your eyes as he stops kissing your neck and reaches his hand over yours to take over plating up. 'Sit down I'll do this.' He says into your ear before you move away to the table as instructed. He plates up two healthy portions before setting yours in front of you, sitting diagonally across from you at the table as he places his food down and immediately rests one hand on your thigh, using the other to twist some spaghetti onto his fork.

'They're big portions.' You say you raise your eyebrows playfully.

'We're going to need the energy.' He mutters huskily into your ear as he places a kiss on your cheek before moving back to start eating.

You smile at him. 'Somebody's horny.'

'I was hoping you would be too.' He says with a wink imbetween mouthfuls. 'Mmmm this is really good.'

'Thanks baby.' You say as you move one hand to hold his on your thigh, abandoning your spoon in favour of just a fork. 'How was your day?' You ask imbetween mouthfuls, both of you clearly extremely hungry.

'Boring. You?'


'I suppose we'll have to find a way to make it interesting then.' He says with a smirk as he squeezes your hand, making you blush slightly.

'Yes sir.' You joke back.

You both finish your food quite quickly and Aaron insists on tidying the plates away seen as you cooked. You go to the sitting room and curl up on the sofa waiting for him and flicking through channels until you find something you like. Nothing jumps out at you until a familiar theme tune starts to play.

'What's this?' Aaron asks as he walks into the room and sits next to you, immediately putting his arm around you as you snuggle into his chest.

'Dharma and Greg.'

'What's that?' He asks as he grabs your legs and hooks them over his own so he can hold you tighter.

'It's a comedy sitcom thing. It's about this couple that got married the day they met. The main guy kinda looks like you actually.' You point to the screen where Greg was blowing into a tissue.

'Really? I don't see it.' He replies as he starts to absentmindedly play with you hair, settling back to watch the show. You remember this episode well: Dharma's ex comes to visit who had been practicing celibacy for a few years. When he arrives Greg starts acting a little jealous as his family love him, and eventually Dharma suggests that they spend some time trying celibacy so they could put the energy they spend on having sex into other areas of their relationship. You can't help but notice Aaron tense up slightly as that part of the show plays, but the rest of the time you spend laughing together without really saying much. As the show ends you grab the remote and turn the TV off, deciding to mess with Aaron.

'So what did you think?' You ask as you turn to look up at him, your legs still intertwined as he hold onto your shoulder.

'It was funny.' He says as he kisses you sweetly on the nose before trailing his lips softly across your jaw.

'Mmm, baby.' You say to try and attract his attention as he mumbles a soft reply against your skin. 'That episode has given me an idea.' You say sweetly as he immediately stops kissing you and moves back so he can see your face.

'What idea?' He says with a slight look of horror in his eyes.

'Maybe we should try celibacy.' You say with a slight shrug, keeping a straight face.

'What? Wh-why?' He struggles out.

'Well it's like they said in the episode. You can spend all that energy on other areas of the relationship.' You nod as you speak. You wait for a response but Aaron just looks at you, the look of a golden retriever who'd had his favourite toy taken away plastered across his face. Not being able to take it anymore, you burst out laughing.

'You're kidding?' Aaron asks, still unsure.

'Yes I'm kidding. That was so worth it for your face!' You laugh so much that tears start to form as he takes a moment to look at you with a stuck-out bottom lip.

'Right, that's it!' He said as he quickly flips you so he's lying top of you, digging his fingers into your sides and making you squirm.

'Aar-o-on!' You struggle out as he tickles you.

'Say sorry!'

'No!' You try to fight back but he overpowers you easily as he continues to tickle you. Giving up, you admit defeat. 'Ok ok I'm sorry I'm sorry!' You say as he stops, instead grabbing both of your hands in one of his and placing them over your head, trapping them there. In an instant his smile fades to a serious expression as butterflies overtake your stomach.

'Oh you should be.'

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