Way back when

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AU where the BAU is in high school together.

AU where the BAU is in high school together

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What a prick

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What a prick.

Aaron Hotchner- Mr popular himself- had spread a rumour that you had sex with him underneath the football stands after school yesterday. He was such a dick, and it didn't help that he was best friends with the intolerable ladies' man and football star Derek Morgan.

You should have seen this coming, really. It all started when you caught Hotchner and Morgan trying to pick on your best friend, Spencer Reid, in the hallway imbetween classes the other day. Spencer was always getting picked on: he was smart and nerdy and struggled to make conversation sometimes; his lanky frame not exactly helping matters. Spencer just sort of accepted it, but you'll be damned if you just sit and watch as he is picked on. Especially by the absolute prick that is Aaron Hotchner. You never really understood what it was about that man that got your blood boiling so much, but there was certainly something.

'What are you doing, Hotchner?' You spoke angrily as you walked towards Spencer, placing yourself imbetween him and the two bullies as their 6-foot-plus frames all towered over you.

'What's it to you, Y/L/N? Just can't seem to stay away from me, can you?' Aaron replied with his signature smirk that just made you boil inside.

'You have more dick in your personality then in your pants, Hotchner.'

'Oh I bet you'd like to know.' He replied with that same fucking smirk still plastered across his face as he etched closer to you. A wave of an idea crashed through your mind as you reached forwards and pulled him towards you with one hand by his white t-shirt.

'Oh you'd like that wouldn't you, Hotchy-boy?' You spoke slowly and seductively into his ear as you trailed your other hand slowly downwards towards his crotch, circling his dick before squeezing it harshly as he elicited a groan. Just as he did, you pushed him off you and he stumbled slightly as he stepped back.

'Come on Spence.' You said kindly as you turned and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the corridor for a few steps before stopping and turning to look at Aaron as Derek looked on laughing. 'Oh, and you might want to hide in the bathroom for a little bit.' You said as you pointed at his hardened crotch, indicating about an inch-and-a-half with two fingers. Truth be told, his bulge was massive and he probably wasn't even fully hard yet, but the giggle elicited from the crowd that had formed around you said that they hadn't really noticed.

You had spent all the next lesson angry at Aaron as he invaded your thoughts. God how you hated that man. But since then he had spread this rumour about you and your hatred had only grew. Everyone knew that once a boy told everyone you had had sex everyone just believed him no matter what you said. Fortunately for you, however, said boys always seem to forget that they give you the power to say whatever you like about what they're like in bed. And so when you saw Mr Popular stood with his large group of friends you quite simply couldn't resist.

You stormed towards Aaron as his group of friends, both male and female, gathered around him. 'Heya Princes-' he said loudly with a smirk as you cut him off.

'Why did you tell everyone we had sex?' You spoke harshly, coming to a stop mere inches from his face as all of his friends stopped to watch.

Turning to look at Derek with a wink, he replied 'Because I rocked your world baby.'

His friends sniggered as you leaned in closer to him, your fingers brushing his chest. 'Honey, sex is penetrative. You didn't even last long enough to get your pants off.'

His crowd of friends went silent, the look of shock plastered across their faces as Aaron started to stutter. 'Bu-b-b...'

'Bu-b-b...p-p-p-premature?' You replied with a stoney face. 'P-p-p-pathetic.' You spat as you turned towards the girls of the group who looked at you with mouths slightly agape. 'Girlies, I wouldn't bother.' You said as you looked Aaron up and down before holding your fingers up, barely two inches apart from one another. 'Hard.' You said with raised eyebrows as you locked eye-contact with Penelope Garcia, a girl everyone knew Derek strung along only for the homework answers, before turning around and starting to walk off. 'Little-Hotchy' you heard one of the varsity girls, Jennifer, mock as you started to walk off.

You barely got five steps before turning back to face Aaron, addressing him directly and ignoring his gob-struck friends. 'Oh, and look up the word 'clitoris' in that science book of yours, seen as you clearly don't know what one is.' His friends now let out audible gasps, Derek making a 'oof' sound as you turned back around and walked off with long and confident steps, your heels clicking behind you.

That should teach him.

You barely got a few more steps before another voice caught your attention.

'Miss Y/L/N, may I please speak with you?' You turned as you heard the unmistakable Italian-American drone of Mr Rossi, the Vice Principl and your English teacher. Mumbling a low 'yes sir', you followed him.

'So how much of that did you hear?' You asked your favourite teacher as you passed one of the emo-kids, Emily Prentiss, who gave you a subtle bow in recognition of embarrassing Hotchner.

'Enough.' He replied as he opened his classroom door for you, closing it as you stepped inside. 'Y/N, you're better then that. Aaron Hotchner may be an idiot at times, but he has a rough home life. Embarrassing him like that about your private sexual activities is not kind.'

'Oh sir we didn't...' you interrupted him before he stopped you with a stern yet kind glance.

'If you were about to say that you didn't have sex with Aaron Hotchner, then you don't have to. It's blaringly obvious that that was simply for show. However, it is also obvious that you and Aaron harbour certain feelings towards one another.'

'I do not like Hotchner!' You replied gruffly as you folded your arms across your chest.

'Then why do you call him Hotchner?' Mr Rossi replied with a smug grin. 'Besides, you better learn to get on better from now on as you'll be seeing him in detention tonight.' He said before turning to leave the classroom, raising his eyebrows as you huffed in response to stop you from complaining. Really, you loved Mr Rossi and his writing lessons were always interesting, but he did posses a certain ability to just know things that didn't half drive you up the wall sometimes.

And now he'd put you in detention with Aaron fucking Hotchner. Ughhhhh.

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