Old Married Couple

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Based on Season 4, Episode 7

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Based on Season 4, Episode 7

It was Jordan Todd's first day at the BAU, and she was nervous. She didn't show it, though. She was taking over from JJ whilst she was on maternity leave, and so the small blonde decided to take it on her to show her the ropes and introduce her to the team.

'Emily, Y/N, you remember Agent Todd?' JJ asked as she approached you and Emily as you sat in the bullpen doing paperwork.

Both you and Emily stood up as they approached you, each taking Todd's hand in a friendly shake.

'Oh yeh hi, welcome back.' Emily said.

'I'll be shadowing JJ for the next couple of weeks.' Todd explained as she smiled at you and Prentiss.

'Big shoes to fill.' Emily said as she looked between Todd and JJ. 'You can say that again.' You retorted. 'Big ankles at least.' JJ laughed as Emily told her she looked great.

'Do you have kids too, or...?' Todd asked both yourself and Emily as you shook your heads. Not biological kids anyway, you thought.

'I think JJ may have snared the last viable donor.' Emily said with a laugh as Todd nodded her agreement.

'Donor for what?' A low voice came from behind you as Hotch stepped forward, open file in hand. You laughed at his confused expression- he looked cute like that. Turning away from him, you grinned cheekily at JJ and Emily. 'I don't know, I think I've snagged a pretty good one.' You say with a wink.

'Pretty good what?' Hotch asked as his confused look broadened, you simply laughing at him and replying with 'nothing'. Jordan looked particularly confused; she mustn't know about you and Hotch. That might be quite fun to play with spoke a voice at the back of your head.

'Anyway Mr. Nosey, what's up?' You asked as you turned to Hotch.

'It's Agent Nosey actually.' Hotch retorted as he looked at you, Emily making a fake shocked noise that he had actually made a joke which earnt a stern look from him. You couldn't help but laugh.

Breaking the tone, Todd spoke. 'Good to see you again, SSA Hotchner.' She said as she took Hotch's hand, shaking it strongly. 'Oh please, call me Hotch.' He replied kindly.

'Well, where is the rest of the team?' Todd asked Hotch. 'Another case came up when we were in Los Vegas and they decided to stay behind to look into it. Excuse me.' He said before walking off towards his office, giving you a quick glance before disappearing from view. God he's handsome.

'I thought you work cases together?' Todd enquired as he walked off. A moment of silence passed before you spoke up. 'We do, but this one is different.'

It was different; Reid suspected his father of murdering a six-year-old boy back when Reid was only four himself... but she didn't need to know that.

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