The Bride

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You and Aaron's five month anniversary is only a week away and you still haven't told the team about your relationship

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You and Aaron's five month anniversary is only a week away and you still haven't told the team about your relationship. Granted, they are profilers so have probably figured it out, but there's something to be said for going Official.

Yesterday was awful, to say the least. A bank-robbery turned explosion nearly took Will from JJ, and seeing her like that broke your heart. To say you and her were close would be an understatement. Seeing her like that, so completely in love with Will, made you realise something as well though. You felt that way about Aaron, and truth be told you had for a long time now. And something inside of you, the bit that Spencer always said was your subconscious working faster than your thoughts, knew that he felt the same way about you too.

The next day, finally, JJ and Will got married. Rossi had unsurprisingly organised the whole thing, and seeing JJ walk down the aisle in that dress with her mum on her arm brought a tear to your eye. As they said their 'I dos', you caught Hotch's eye. There, for what felt like an eternity, you just shared a glance. And in that moment, you both knew that one day it would be you stood up there, hand in hand and heart in heart. Aaron Hotchner was your forever.

The meal went by with a speech from Dave, celebrating the good people in life. For what seemed like the first time in forever, the team had something to be genuinely happy about. Today was a good day.

After dinner you danced: with Spencer; Morgan; Reid. And then, finally, your eyes met his across the dance floor and you walked together, meeting in the middle. He took your hand in his and placed the other on your hip, your spare hand reaching around to hold his shoulder. You held each other tighter than you had anyone else.

You swayed to the music, looking into each other's eyes. As the music changed you remained together, Aaron smiling one of his rare but true smiles; the kind that would make your heart stop beating in your chest in the knowledge that you had caused it. He had never looked more handsome then he did right now; never more perfect.

Sure, he had his faults, but you had yours too. The only thing that mattered is that you made each other genuinely happy- more happy then you ever thought you could be.

As the song ended and silence turned into chatter, he pulled you close and dipped you, holding you there for a second and looking into your eyes. With the briefest of smirks shadowing his lips, he slowly bent his head to yours and connected your lips. In that moment, a second felt like forever.

It was a brief kiss, but full of meaning. Out of all of the kisses you and Aaron had shared, they all seemed to lay insignificant in comparison to that one moment. That one moment where you both knew that you were in it for the long-haul. In it forever.

You heard the sound of cheers behind you, JJ's shouts even louder than Emily's wolf whistle, and the faint sound of bets being discussed nipped at your ears. You swore you heard Morgan shout 'She-Hotch', Garcia following it up with 'loverboy'.

Just then, as if by queue, a small hand grasped at your leg, averting your attention. As you looked down, Jack reached up and you pulled him into a hug, lifting him onto your hip. There, with his son in your arms and the taste of his kiss still lingering on your lips, you looked at the man you loved and you just knew.

You knew that this was it; he was your Prince Charming. The first person you wanted to see in the morning and the lips you wanted to kiss goodnight; the person who you would turn to if you had a bad day; the person you wanted to tell if something good had happened, or if you wanted to relay a joke to share in a laugh; the person who could make you smile when nobody else could.

In that moment, all the pieces finally fell into place.

In that moment, you were a family.

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