Viva Las Vegas

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The case was a child abduction of a five-year-old boy in Vegas; it was rough

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The case was a child abduction of a five-year-old boy in Vegas; it was rough... but you had managed to find him alive in the end, a rare good day for the team.

Hotch had planned on flying home that night, however Reid had requested an extra day so he could spend time with his mother who he didn't see very often. And so, the team spent a night together in Vegas as Reid visited his mother, having a quick meal together before he left.

The team had dinner together in a Sushi restaurant Rossi had visited before, and true to his word it was delicious. You laughed as Reid struggled with the chopsticks, smiling as Aaron tried to show him how it was done. You always loved how Hotch looked after Reid, almost like he was his own son. Of course everybody joked that Hotch was the dad of the team, but never was it more true then for Spencer.

One night, well over two years ago now, you had gotten drunk and explained how you didn't like that people called him the 'dad' of the group and you the 'big sister' because you weren't supposed to find your dad attractive, but by god you did. Aaron Hotchner indeed.

The first time you had started to develop feelings for your boss was on a case where a child had been abducted. It ended well considering- Hotch found the girl in the wardrobe of a mall in time, and she wasn't hurt- at least not physically. It was just you and Hotch in the room when you first got there, and seeing the way he held and consoled the young girl- her clinging to him as he looked after her- melted your heart. After all, everybody knew that if Hotch was one thing, it was a good dad.

A little while later and you had started to notice the little things he did: the way he rubbed his thumb against his palm when he was thinking; the way he subconsciously fingered his gun whenever he felt you were in danger; the way his face would light up whenever he spoke about Jack; the way his sarcastic comments, humour, went virtually unnoticed by most but not you; the way he would check your vest was on properly before letting you head into an unsub's house; the way he would distance himself slightly on the plane so he could think; the way he would sit quietly and listen to what everyone had to say; the way he would deflect upset into anger; the way he would care about the victims always.

The way he looked at you when he thought you weren't paying attention.

It had taken a long time for you to act on your feelings towards Hotch- if there was anyone who respected professional boundaries, it was him. Then, one night when you had gone out to a club with the team and convinced him to drink with you, everything changed. When it was time to leave he was his usual protective self and shared a cab with you to make sure you got home, but what had started as professional courtesy soon became passion as the cab never did make a second stop that night.

Since then and for the past year you had spent each night in his arms, his soft breath warm against your cheek. It had taken the inhibitions of alcohol to bring both of your feelings to light, but once they were there they were there to stay and nothing could change that. He was yours and you were his.

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