Profiler Profiled

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'Spencer!' You shout as you move towards your old friend who was stood in the middle of a train station, gawking at women as they walked past

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'Spencer!' You shout as you move towards your old friend who was stood in the middle of a train station, gawking at women as they walked past.

'Y/N!' He spoke in surprise as he fist-bumped you. 'What're you doing here?'

'Just on my way to work. What're you doing here?' You asked as two people, a man and a women, caught your eye who stood just to the side of Spencer.

'We're working on a case.' Spencer spoke kindly as he indicated towards his colleagues.

'A case?' You asked as confusion filled your face.

'Yeh. I'm an FBI Agent now.' Spencer spoke with a slight smirk as you first noticed the gun hanging loosely from his side.

'Oh my god- Spencer Reid an FBI Agent! That is so cool!' You exclaimed as he beamed down at you, his tall frame effectively dwarfing you. Laughing, you turned to the man and woman next to Spencer, motioning to the man's right foot. 'Is that why your boss has got a gun shoved down his sock?'

'How do you know he's my boss?' 'How do you know I've got a gun on my leg?' The man and Spencer spoke simultaneously as they both looked at you in surprise, the woman's face expressionless. You turn to Spencer's boss and explain your reasoning.

'Well you're obviously field Agents from the fact that even Spencer has a gun, and you're all carrying guns on your hips. You're part of a bigger team and you're obviously the boss. I mean, firstly, just look at your suit- field Agents tend to dress more casually to allow movement unless they're of higher rank. Both you and Miss Agent here look like you're natural leaders, but I'm guessing she's not the paper-pushing type, but you are. Probably ex-lawyer, ex-wife, that sort of thing. I'm assuming your colleague here is a former Agent in the more spy-sense as well, not CIA or you would have just taken an internal job there, but something more international which means you can probably speak a few languages.'

Turning back to the boss, you continue.

'You've been leaning on one leg for the entire time we've been speaking. Whilst it's not uncommon to shift your weight to one side, most people subconsciously switch between legs every one-to-two minutes as not to put excessive pressure on your knees. The fact that you've been leaning on your right leg indicates that it's probably heavier then the other. You could have a club foot, but based on the fact that you're a field Agent I'd say that was very unlikely. Chances are you've got a gloc strapped to your calf, which further indicates that you are the boss.

'You always try to take the final shot, not necessarily because you want to, but because you'd rather spare your team the knowledge that they had to kill someone. That kind of caring only really comes with being a parent so, like I said before, you've got a kid. You're not wearing a wedding ring though, but someone like you wouldn't have a child out of wed-lock so you're divorced- probably because you work too much. How'd I do?'

The look of shock remains on the men's faces as the woman lifts an eyebrow, impressed. 'How did you do that?' She asks.

'I'm a fan of David Rossi.' You shrug before you turn to Spencer. 'Anyway Spencer, I've got to get off to work. I won't be using this train station again though seen as the FBI is interested in it. See you later!'

You walk off with confident strides as you feel Spencer's boss' eyes on you as you disappear from view. The one thing you didn't mention: he was hot.

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