The Cat's Key

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Third Person POV

Both boys and girls walk by the Park residence in hopes of seeing the youngest daughter of Mason Park:

Chaeyoung Park. Also know as the most wanted woman in town.

The Parks were an affluent family in Australia due to their generational wealth that could be traced way back into the 1700s.

It's safe to say this family has never struggled and could live a generous life without even having to lift a finger.

That being said, don't think this family consists of rich snobs. I mean that was only the case until Mason Park married someone that wasn't as rich as him.

When Mason was 23 he fell in love with the daughter of his boat repairs person, Clare. It was summer and love was in the air. Of course it had to take many attempts on his part to convince the financially struggling girl to date him.

However after many attempts Clare finally agreed to date him, which soon led to marriage, and finally two healthy daughters being born:

Alice and Rosé.

Mason changed his snobbish behaviors as soon as he met Clare, and both parents intended to raise their daughters the exact same.

Just because they have riches doesn't mean they are entitled.

Now I'm sure you understand the appeal in Park Chaeyoung now right? Amazing in-laws, a vast amount of wealth, and she isn't entitled!  What more can someone ask for in a women?

Well on top of that the girl was a beauty.  Standing a bit taller then the average women, Chaeyoung had heads turning everywhere she would go, her sparkling brown eyes was bound to make anyone fall in love.

If you don't believe in love at first sight all you have to do is meet this girl, and your beliefs would change.

With all this being said you can only imagine how many suitors this young lady had.  Men wanted her and women wanted to be her.  Any time any member from the Park family was seen in public a desperate fellow would ask them for Chaeyoung's hand in marriage.  It was seriously getting out of hand.

Alice also experienced the same, but she was fortunate enough to marry a man that she met when studying abroad.  This caused more attention to come towards her sister.

Chaeyoung was only getting older and she knew sooner or later she had to marry as well.  That's when she thought of a silly way to finally find her life partner, a method that her parent's wouldn't approve of but she decided to go with it anyways.

It was a hot summer day, and just like every other day those interested in the youngest Park took a certain route home from their college classes.  A route that required passing by the home which the girl resided in.

Y/n's POV

"Why do you guys walk this route all the time? I asked my friends. "It literally takes forever to get home."

Suzy rolled her eyes. "Why do you think Y/n?"

"To pass the Park residence genius." Chanyeol answered.

I wasn't a stranger to the attention and importance that Chaeyoung receives.  Damn even I was crazy attracted to her, the things I would do to make that girl mine.  I'm not ashamed that I'm no different then the rest of this town who wants the girl, but I do think that I'm better then them.

For one I don't think that I actually have a chance with her.  All these weirdos really think that they have a shot with her, and it makes me laugh hearing them say it.  The most I'd do was admire the girl and her qualities.  I treated her like I would a celebrity in my head.

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