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Y/n's POV

Being a college student was not what I expected it to be.

In high school I wasn't necessarily a social butterfly and I kept to myself for the most part.

Why the hell did I think college would be any different.

I thought college would be a new chapter in my life, I'd be a social butterfly, active in the school community, have everyone know my name, you get the idea.

But nope.

I'm more alone than ever. To begin I have no roommate, my files got all messed up, so now I room alone, I also don't share many interests with those in my classes, and finally I hate 80% of my student body.

You know the people who party every single day, reek of alcohol, and skip all their classes.

Those are your potential friends if you come to University of Melbourne.

So you get the idea, I'm independent as fuck, my days just consist of completing course material for my classes, and reading books whenever I'm presented with free time.

Speaking of books, I'm on my way to a little book store I found a few months ago when I went on a drive.

I spend a lot of my time at this bookstore reading books. I think I once spent 8 hours at the shop reading one book. Now I know you're wondering why do I read them at the store, and not actually buy them.

Well I'm a nearly broke college student, what do you expect?

I only ever invest my money into books if it's a limited edition or a signed copy book.

Actually the reason why I am going to the shop today, I saw on the website that they had a signed copy of 'The Great Gadsby' signed by the amazing F. Scott Fitzgerald himself!

I rush into the store, and ask the worker that greeted me at the door where I can find the book. They directed me towards the "Classics" section.

I dash to the stairs and run up them nearly tripping, but I got there in one piece.

The classics section had to be my favourite, call me basic but there's a reason why they're classics.

My eyes scan the spine of the books infront of me trying to find the title of my favourite book.

Ah I found it.

As my hand is about to reach for the book.  Instead of touching the surface of the book, it landed on top of another hand.

What the fuck.

I turn around to see a girl around my age also reaching for the book.

I quickly pull my hand away and she takes the book into her hold.

"Uhm excuse me I was going to take that." I said to her, referring to the signed book in her hand.

"And I was going to as well," She smiled. "Well actually now I have it," She smirked, showing that the book is now in her possession.

"But I was here first!" I replied, starting to get irritated.

"What are you 5?" She sassily replied to my weak argument.

At this point I couldn't think of a valid argument and decided to take a good look at the girl.


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She's gorgeous.

Her outfit compliments her very nicely, and her blonde hair is so beautiful.

She looks like an angel...

"Take a picture it'll last longer," She winked.

Did I say angel?

I meant devil.

"Listen, I really,need that copy. It's the last signed copy of that book." I tried pleading to her.

"Wait it's a signed copy?" She asked, opening up the cover of the book to answer her own question.

"That's so cool!" She excitedly said looking back up at my eyes.

She didn't even know it was a signed copy, and now she's going to take it!

"Anyways, nice talk stranger." She said before walking to the register, ready to purchase the book.

I follow behind her quickly asking, "Come on is there anything I can do to have that book?" I asked with desperation.

"Hmmm," she thought.

After about 10 seconds, she replied, "Nope". And walked to the cash register, where the cashier was ready to check out the book.

I groaned as there was pretty much nothing I could do.

I watched as she checked out the book.

Why is she at the check out for so long?

Ugh whatever, why am I even watching her.

I have nothing else to do here, so I leave the bookstore with a frown on my face.

As I'm walking towards my car, I hear someone running behind me shouting, "Hey, hey wait up!"

I turned around to see the gorgeous yet sassy girl I had an encounter with in the bookstore.

"What now?" I asked her.

"Here." she replied, placing the book we were fighting for in my hands.

"I've got to go now, but enjoy." She smiled at me before jogging off.

What the hell just happened.

She just gave me the book?

Then what was all that fighting about in the store?!

Once I got into my car, I opened the book with a smile ready to see the signature of my favourite author. However what I saw made me smile even more.

Right next to the signature laid a sticky note that read:


I know you would be upset if I wrote into the copy of your signed book, so I've decided to write on a sticky note. You're really cute, and I'd like to get to know you. I enjoyed our little banter in the shop and if you'd like to continue here's my number xxx-xxx-xxxx. Happy you got your book cutie!

I broke out into a huge smile after reading her note.

Yeah this is way better than a signed book...

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