Cheater (pt.2)

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Some of you asked for a part 2 for one of my earlier imagines titled Cheater. If you forgot what it was about feel free to read it again, cause I totally forgot what happened 💀. But the gist of it was basically you caught Rosé cheating on you with Lisa, and you ended up in a car crash.

Third Person POV

"I have a 24 year old, patient just brought in from a crash site with prominent trauma around the head and legs!"

"Vehicles in question are an Audi R8 and a Semi Truck!"

A deadly silence fell among the doctors and nurses in the hospital.  From their experience those who were in car accidents involving a semi truck rarely made it out alive.

It was either they didn't make it, or they came out with life long injuries, you know your typical, being paralyzed from the waist down, brain trauma, lifelong coma, or even brain dead.

They were even more worried for the outcome of this patient, as they had a head on collision.

"Surgery is required at the operation theatre immediately!" The head doctor shouted to the team, rolling the stretcher with the nearly lifeless body.

The hospital was soon able to identify this patient as Y/n Y/l/n by looking through her pockets for ID.

While the surgeons were performing the intense surgery, the secretary was searching for Y/n's emergency contacts.  In fact two people came up:

Park Chaeyoung

Bae Joo-hyun

The secretary gave a ring to the first contact, but it went straight to voicemail.  Causing the second to be called.

"Hello is this Bae Joo-hyun?"

"Yes this is her, who's speaking?"

"I'm calling from Seoul International Hospital, you were listed as one of the immediate contacts of Y/n Y/l/n."

That was all Irene needed to hear before scrambling to find her keys, and rush out the door to her car. Where she would soon drive to the hospital. During her never ending car ride the secretary informed the frantic girl about what happened to Y/n.

Irene who never cries reached the hospital with her face drenched with tears, and was struggling to ask the secretary what room her best friend was admitted in.

Fortunately the secretary who's experienced this countless times was able to make sense of Irene's mumbles, and directed her to her friend.

The doctor's had to be quick on their feet when performing surgery on the young adult. Shards of glass have made their way all through the body, and potentially into the bloodstream. The doctors couldn't afford to miss even a minuscule of glass, as it could cause very serious, life threatening complications in the future.

By the time Irene arrived, the surgery was nearing its end. A surgeon then made their way out of the room to inform Irene of what was happening.

"Are you Bae-Joo-hyun?"

Irene nodded wiping away her tears.

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