Viagra Prank

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Y/n's POV

"Hello world, how are you all doing? If you don't already know who I am, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.  Today I'll be pulling a prank on my wonderful girlfriend Rosé..." I whispered.  "I will be doing the Viagra prank on her." I smirked, while showing the camera a box of Viagra pills that I bought the day before.  "Wish me luck!" I winked at the camera, before finally shutting it off.

Today I was recording a new video for my YouTube channel, and for this week it's going to be a prank.  My prank videos always do well, and all my videos that involve Rosie do amazing.

Now you may be wondering why I decided to do the Viagra prank, well it's not just for amazing content...But it's going to be one hell of a sight to see my girlfriend so hot and bothered.

I quickly make my way over to the kitchen, and open the box of pills.  Trying my best to not make any noise I use a mortar and pestle to crush the pills into a light pink powder.

Haha pink powder...perfect for Rosie. I laughed.

Every morning I wake up before Rosie, so it was really easy to find an opportunity to mix the powder with her drink. 

I made some coffee, and poured the light pink powder into the cup, finally stirring it with a spoon.

After about 10 minutes Rosé finally wakes up, walking into the kitchen rubbing into her eyes, still a little groggy.

"Here babe, have some coffee." I said, handing over the mug that I've tampered with.

"Thank you Y/n/n, I love you." She muttered taking the mug from my hands.

I don't know if you'll love me after you find out what I've done. 

I said I love you too, and made my upstairs towards our room.  Before entering the corridor, I took a glance at the living room seeing Rosé sitting on the sofa, almost done drinking her coffee.

Perfect, everything's going as planned.


Rosé then enters our room after taking a shower.

"Y/n, why aren't you dressed yet?" Rosé asked confused.

"Dressed?" I asked with confusion. "For what?"

"You and your terrible memory." Rosie laughed, "Remember we are having lunch with my family today." She laughed.

Oh fuck.

I did not remember that.

That's not even the bad part, it's the fact that I mixed Viagra into Rosie's coffee which she drank, and it takes about an hour to be effective.

We are also going to be surrounded by her family...

Fuck, guess I'm not recording a video today, but instead somehow managing my horny girlfriend...

"Oh yeah, it totally slipped my mind, I'll go get dressed now." I smiled at her, giving her a quick peck on her lips.

I quickly get dressed into a white tee tucked into soft blue jeans. Topped by an oversized black flannel.

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