"No, sir," Stiles shakes his head. "I mean, ancestor?"

    "You can address us with our prefix and first names," Ophelia waves a hand. "Can you tell us about the situation of your necromancy use?"

    "Yes, Miss Ophelia, I was put in the death realm by somebody," Stiles explains. "I'm not sure whom. But, I was placed there with my friend Isaac. We were greeted by friends and some bad guys. Well, Allison, a girl who was my friend was there. That's who I brought back."

    "Selfish use..."

    "Not exactly," Stiles shook his head. "The Nogistune killed her and he was using my body. It was my fault and I wanted to give her a second chance. She didn't deserve the ending she got and it was my fault. So I wanted to give that chance to her."

   "Heroic," Gretchen mumbled, but she sounded amused.

   "So, after I sent Void back to hell, I brought her back and closed the shadow side off so the others would be okay," Stiles finished.

    "Right. How many people have been hurt by you? Can you count?" Alatar asks.

    "Not on two hands, Sir," Stiles deflated.

    "You've contacted the elders?" Georgia asks.

    "A few times." 

    "Who taught you this?"

    "Alena of the Fae," Stiles frowned. "I don't remember her last name, I don't think she ever gave it to me."

    "Do you use your hands or magical relics to cast your magic?" Elaphas asks.

    "Hands, but I've been using my mind mostly," Stiles states and whispers pick up again. "I'm sorry is that not normal?"

    "Only to our elders," Ophelia explains. "Stiles, can you tell me some of the situations that you've had to use your powers to help people?" Stiles begins to list the ways he's used his magic to help others. Starting with everything in the realm. "Has anyone ever been hurt by your magic?"

    "Yes," Stiles admits. "But, only one person was intentional."

    "Right, that's Mr Lahey?" Alatar reads. "Father of werewolf, Isaac Lahey?"

    "Yes sir," Stiles nods. "It was a crime of passion. I let my emotions and love for my friend blind me."

    "What was Sr. Lahey like?" Ophelia asks.

    "Awful," Stiles shrugs. "He has abused Isaac and his brother Camden for as long as they both could remember. He coached the swim team and let a child drown, then let his son threaten the kid."

    "Vigilant," Gretchen says.

    "I think we've heard enough," Georgia holds a hand up. "Let us converse the verdict. Meet us back in one hour."

    "Where do I go?" Stiles asks.

    "Come with me," a boy says. He's young probably around thirteen. "I can keep you company."

    "Okay," Stiles looks around for a parent. "I'm Stiles, what's your name?"

    "George," He smiles. "I've heard a lot about you! You are becoming a legend here. A superhero!"

    "Really? I didn't know I was a superhero," Stiles chuckled. "I don't think of myself that way."

    "Do any superhero's? Real hero's at least?" The boy looks up at Stiles. 

    "I think you're right," Stiles nods. "Who's your favorite hero?"

   "Well, some of the people who have come and gone have told me all about the superhero's," George explains. "Lately, I've been pulled by Iron Man. But, I do like the one, Black Panther? He's been talked about by recent kids. I heard that he's really turned the superhero universe in a different direction. Do you like the Black Panther?"

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