Chapter 1

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Life in Beacon Hills has changed drastically from just a year ago. Too many people have died and Stiles can't help but think that it's his fault. The Nogistune had taken over his body for so long, killing people in his wake. Stiles didn't feel like himself anymore. Maybe it was because he was just a copy of his other body. Barely human anymore. He didn't feel like himself. He felt alone and more importantly he felt like he couldn't trust himself. His friends wouldn't look him in the eye after his other body had killed Allison and Aiden. Sure it was the oni but he made the call. Of course Stiles didn't blame them for looking at him differently. How could he? He looked at himself differently.
   He wanted out of Beacon Hills. No, he needed out. He couldn't stand the place anymore. He couldn't look his friends in the eyes if they dared to look at his. His weakness caused the deaths of many and pushed a lot of the pack away. Isaac left with Chris off to France. Derek left to Mexico where his sister could visit. Jackson was off in London doing God knows what and Ethan ran off after they got rid of Void. They only came back for the funeral. Aidan didn't get as much as Allison. The pack gave him his own get together then buried him. So Stiles needed to get away and he was sure his dad would let him after all that had happened. It would just require some reasoning and maybe some lying.
   "Hey dad," Stiles made his way to the table and sat across from the Sheriff. "Can we talk?"
   "Oh god what did you do now?" His dad sighed setting his fork down. "Did you damage any property? Wreck the Jeep? Oh god, did you piss off Fairies?"
   "What? No!" He shook his head. "I honestly have never seen a Fairy. I'm not sure if they are real. I should ask Deaton, he knows everything. He told me that there are some elves in the East. It wouldn't be too far off for Fairies to exist." His dad rose a brow. "But, obviously that's not why I wanted to talk."
   "Just spit it out. It can't be that bad," the older man laughed. "Stiles I'm not gonna punish you."
   "I was just thinking. And I've done a lot of research, before anything. But, I think I want to get out of Beacon Hills for a while. We've got allies in the East. I just think that with everything that happened, I need to get away before I do something bad. Maybe not worse then..." his voice trails as he rubbed his neck. "It's just I don't feel like myself anymore. I can't look at everyone and remember what I did."
   "Well, we can't just get up and leave," his dad sighs. "I need a job."
   "No, I know that and that's why you should stay," He explains. "You can take a vacation and leave with me for some time. But, I need to leave dad. Please. I don't feel like myself anymore."
   "Where would you stay? How about school? You have to graduate," his dad gives him sad eyes. "You are not dropping out." Stiles hands him papers for online schooling. Luckily, Beacon Hills offers such a great remote learning system. "Okay, well what about staying places? What car? I know you love your Jeep, but it can't make it across the country."
   "It can. I'll make routine stops. Dad, I've looked into everything. There's a nice pack that has a hotel in Kansas. They have already allowed me to stay there for as long as needed if I help them with a few things. Deaton has already offered to lend me some Mountain Ash and whatever else. Chris left an Arsenal for us.  I will be fully equipped to get myself there safely. Come with me, just for the week. If you don't like it. I'll come back," Stiles pleads. "I know I just turned eighteen and this is sudden. Just give it a chance."
   "Okay," his dad sighed. "Let me set a few things up. I've met a few people who live out in Kansas. They'll keep an eye on you too. Sharon and Robert. They live in Lebanon." Stiles nods. "Now, I want to make sure you always have your phone. Send me post cards. Send me texts. Call me. If you're ever in trouble call me. Understand?" He nods again. "And I want you to know. The only reason I am even allowing you to go is because I understand that you feel different and you want to find yourself. I trust your judgement, Stiles and I want you to be okay. If that means getting up and leaving. Then, I won't stop you."
   "Dad! Thank you so much!" Stiles smiled.
   "Wait," his dad held a hand up. "I also know that you get distracted easily. So, if your grades go down I'm coming out there and dragging you back here. So keep them up. And I also know that if you don't go you'll never shut up about it. So, be grateful."
   "I am always grateful."
   "I know, just be more," his dad sighed. "When do you plan on leaving?"
   "Maybe by the end of the week?" He bites his lip. "I just have to get a few things and say goodbye."
   "Alright," his dad nods. "I guess you should start packing." Stiles nods before jumping out of his seat. He slipped for a moment but caught himself. "God you're gonna be the death of me kid."

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