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Qin Xin has already taken out the flour and poured it into a large bowl, added water, and started mixing the noodles.

Qin Xin's noodle making movements seemed very relaxed, but Yuan Yi knew that every time she kneaded, this force was used in the best place.

Soon, the flour turned into a smooth dough. There was no flour next to the big bowl. Qin Xin took out a wet cloth and covered it on the dough and started proofing.

Then Qin Xin took the pork out and chopped it, then beat the eggs and put it on the mashed meat, added a small piece of ginger, continued to chop, and finally put it in a large pot.

Then take out the pork skin that was frozen yesterday, chop it up and mix it in the puree just now, then add the light soy sauce and salt, and continue to mix it evenly.

After preparing the meat fillings, Qin Xin took out the proofed noodles, kneaded them into long strips, then cut them into equal parts, and then rolled them into thin crusts, added the fillings, and wrapped them into buns.

Qin Xin's movements were integrated at once, and Yuan Yi couldn't help feeling that Qin Xin's movements were much better than those in the TV series for cooking.

When Qin Xin was making buns, Yuan Yi immediately took out the steamer, washed it, and added water. Since the last time Wang Lao commented on the issue of hand washing, Yuan Yi has paid special attention to food hygiene.

Qin Xin put the wrapped buns in the pot and steamed them over the fire.

Taking advantage of this time, Qin Xin turned on the computer and prepared to put the soup dumplings on the shelf, then looked back at Yuan Yi's eagerness, "Why don't you make one too, and then we will have breakfast?"

"Okay!" Yuan Yi waited for these words. When Qin Xin was cooking just now, Yuan Yi was carefully observing that the average chef has a special cooking skill of his own, but today he discovered that Qin Xin did it. The pasta is also made very well, whether it is kneading noodles or making meat fillings, there is a sense of success.

Seeing Qin Xin finished, Yuan Yi wanted to try.

Yuan Yi is already making noodles here. Qin Xin's soup dumplings were originally intended to be sold for three, leaving three for himself. If Yuan Yi makes them, Qin Xin can directly put six breakfasts on the shelf.

Those who grab the breakfast were surprised to find that Xinxin restaurant actually put six breakfasts on the shelves this morning?

It's just that many people haven't grabbed it.

The people who snatched it quickly came to the restaurant. Tang Manying saw that there were six people. She ran to the kitchen and asked, it turned out that Qin Xin had six copies on the shelf.

A soup dumpling is the size of a child's fist, and there are six in total. For each soup dumpling, Qin Xin also comes with a small plate of **** vinegar.

The first customer ran over and was panting when entering the restaurant. Tang Manying immediately brought the soup dumplings to him. The customer saw the dumplings in front of him and forgot that he was tired from running.

The outer skin is white, the skin seems very thin, and the soup inside can be seen. The shredded **** vinegar on the side is made of ginger, cut into very thin strips, soaked in the vinegar, it looks very appetizing.

He picked up the chopsticks, slowly took the buns from the steamer to the plate, took a small bite on the top, and took a sip of the soup with the straw next to it.

The rich soup is as if it has been simmered for a long time. The aroma immediately opens the palate of the diners. After drinking the soup inside, the person puts the habit aside, rolls the front and back of the bun and sticks it with vinegar, and then takes another bite. under.

Cannon Fodder Becomes a God of CookingWhere stories live. Discover now