Chapter 26 - Trust and Purpose

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Today was the day the especially challenging part of my life here would begin, and I knew I would need to call upon a different kind of courage than I had previously. I leaned on Severus's chest another minute. I knew my courage would have to come from within myself, but it still felt good knowing that Severus was at my side, even without his knowledge of what we were facing. I finally pulled away. "Thank you, Severus. You can't imagine how much that means to me... and how much you mean to me," I said.

"If it's anywhere near what you mean to me, then, yes, I can imagine it," Severus said, and I could see him making an effort to smile a little. I decided to make my own effort to provide a little more honesty, and I hoped it might even serve us all well.

"Severus, I would like to share that, even though Professor Stone possesses a necklace matching that of mine and Reu's, he is definitely not a friend to us," I said, my tone as serious as the subject demanded.

"That is actually a relief, and I appreciate you sharing that with me. That will make things easier," Severus said, and I wondered what that meant.

"Also, the necklaces, well, actually the 'stones' as they are called," part-truth, "have a form of magic, and can be very powerful in a very specific way. And now it seems that Professor Stone has relinquished his to The Dark lord," I said, hoping Reu would be ok with the limited information I was offering to Severus.

There was a knock on the door, and Severus put on the shirt he was still holding in his hand while I rushed to get dressed. He went to answer it, and I heard Reu's voice as I finished dressing in the bedroom, running my fingers through my hair. Speak of the devil, I thought. I went in to find that Severus had actually invited him in this time. "Avia, hello, I'm sorry to intrude," Reu said, looking a little sheepishly at me, and yet I could see the underlying humor in his eyes.

"It's ok Reu. I know we were supposed to meet this morning. I'm sorry. I suppose I let time get away from me," I said, blushing when he looked like he had to choke back a laugh. The laugh was still there in his eyes, though, and I could kick him for it.

"No worries, you are actually not late. I'm early, but by necessity," Reu said, his expression turning serious.

"Ah," I said, taking the subtle hint that, for whatever reason, we needed to get the show on the road earlier than expected. "I was just telling Severus that, although Professor Stone has a 'friendship stone' just like ours, he is not our friend. Also, that the specific magic that they hold could be dangerous in the wrong hands, and that his is now in the hands of Voldemort," I said, watching Reu's expression closely to see if I'd really messed up. Reu closed his eyes for a second then nodded before opening them again.

He turned to Severus, "I apologize for involving you in this," he started before Severus interrupted.

"My 'involvement' in this, although I realize was accidental, is by my own request of Avia, and by my sincere desire to be involved... with her," Severus said with a tone that I knew meant more than what his words alone conveyed. He wanted to let Reu know that he didn't want him to blame me for spilling the beans, but also that his involvement with me was now official, maybe even alluding to his previous conversation with Reu about keeping his hands off of me.

I could see all of that pass over Reu's face, his expressions being just as telling as my own. Reu looked at me, almost 'ruefully', to use a pun on his name I would never say out loud. I would also never say out loud how I too would miss the aspect of mine and Reu's friendship that we would no longer be able to share... at least in this Occasion together. Reu turned back to Severus.

"Understood," Reu said, and the tension in the room quietly subsided. "Then I would also like to provide some information, knowing that some things will need to be left unsaid," Reu continued, possibly even containing a double meaning, "The stones do contain some form of magic, and that magic will only show itself when activated or at the time of death for those in its possession. If a person dies while holding one, they will disappear, but they will not die. Where they go when they disappear is a secret that we cannot share due to the absolute need to protect that knowledge." I was soundly shocked at how much information Reu just shared with Severus, but the more I thought about it, it was actually a pretty genius explanation on Reu's part. He had basically just told Severus the truth, just with the really critical part of our secrets kept hidden.

"What do you need me to do?" Severus asked as if he accepted the information along with that which needed to remain unsaid.

"Professor Stone must die, and The Dark lord must not die while in possession of the Stone. At least not until I find out if he actually has the capability of using the Stone," Reu said, and I knew of the unfortunate circumstances that would be involved with him finding out.

"I will share with you then that your mission aligns closely with my own. I am aware that Professor Stone has offered something to The Dark lord of value, and that the only value The Dark lord would find would be either power... or immortality," Severus said gravely. A chill ran through my body. The Ether Stone might indeed provide him with a good version of both.

"Why do you think he has not used it yet?" I asked, hoping Reu could provide an answer vague enough for Severus.

"Because, unless he dies, only I have the capability to activate the stone for him, and I don't think he is willing to die unless he knew without any doubt that the stone would keep him from death," Reu answered, and I realized that he too must trust Severus enough to reveal that to him. One thing that didn't escape my notice, is that we felt like a team... allies dedicated to the same cause. Even though the situation was terrifying, the camaraderie we seemed to suddenly share felt strangely good to me.  I reached out and grasped Severus's hand, then I reached and grasped Reu's. I knew that they would never take each other's hands to complete the circle, but I was pleasantly surprised to see them turn from me to face each other, both sharing a look of mutual trust and purpose.

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