Chapter 8 - An Intriguing Proposition

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I didn't stay long in my bedroom once I got back from dinner. I took off to walk around the halls of Hogwarts. The encounter with Severus had put me on edge a little. I just didn't expect that aspect of this Realm... to be so attracted to him, and to interact with him in such an up close and personal way. Maybe I did expect some of it, to a certain extent. I had seen the movies, and I had a bit of a crush on Professor Snape, but I didn't think it would be like this... feel like this. He seemed dangerous in a way that was intimidating. Ok, dangerous is maybe not the best word, I wasn't really afraid of him, and yet... his physical nearness somehow seemed made me tremble. It was more than nerves, though, and I could feel the undercurrent of excitement of just being close to him.

The appearance of Reu up ahead drew me out of my thoughts. He was coming out of someone's chambers, and a lovely lady kissed him before she shut her door. He turned and saw me, and looked at me a little sheepishly.

"Ah. I see you have taken your own advice about not being bound by 'limitations'," I said, giving him a knowing grin.

"It is my one vice as a Surveyor, and it adds an extra sense of adventure to each Realm," he said, seeming relieved that I didn't seem to find fault, moving along side me to walk with me. "I will say that I have slowed down a bit, and I've found the chase to be 'almost' as fun as the capture," he said, smiling at me suggestively.

"Well, you don't have to worry about chasing me, I don't run that fast," and as soon as I said it, my mouth opened in shock at what I'd just said, and we both erupted in laughter. At this point, I didn't feel the need to explain it away to him, but I still tried to, "You know that's not what I really meant. I just think I find you so familiar, that when my brain finds something funny, my mouth repeats it without censure. I'm going to have to 'discipline my mind' I guess," I said, obviously referring to Professor Snape's movie advice.

He put his hand on my arm and stopped me, "Please don't. You cannot imagine how much I enjoy our uncensored dialogue. I really, truly feel like we understand each other in this way. I've been to dozens of Realms over the past few years, and it is refreshing to find someone I can really connect with. It makes me feel like I'm a real person again, and not just a character playing a part." Reu's eyes looked into me, and I felt a little sad that he had come to the point of feeling like a character in a story instead of a real person.

I was also happy that he found some joy in my awkward nature and juvenile humor, and I felt a connection with him too. 

"It's close enough to eight now, do you want to walk with me to my room?" he said, offering me his arm.

"I would be delighted," I said formally.

"Yes, you would," he replied, and this time he didn't laugh, but his eyes sparkled as they met mine, and we shared a moment of unbridled... Sex appeal? Friendship? I knew he and I didn't have a love connection, and that what we found with each other was a lot less complicated than that. I had a feeling we could be more than friends, but less than soulmates, and that we could easily enjoy each other's company in any Realm and in any persona.  It was a bit exciting in a way that didn't carry so much weight as my feelings for Severus. I didn't know it was even possible to have so many feelings for a person in one day, but Severus was ever present in my thoughts now. It was a little daunting at this point, and Reu's good natured company helped to soothe my spirits. When we reached his room and entered, he poured us both a glass of wine. We sat, enjoying each other's easy company. 

A knock on the door interrupted our third glass of wine, and Reu went to answer it. The man who walked in was big. Really big. He had muscles on top of muscles, as if they were fighting for room underneath his tight skin. His face wasn't unpleasant, but his expression ruined any of his good looks.

"Professor Ermias Stone, this is Professor Avia Airhart," Reu said.

I rose and shook Professor Stone's hand. It was clammy, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I would need to wash my hand at the earliest opportunity.  We all sat and talked. Professor Stone taught Magical Architecture. Fitting I guess, both in his name and his build. Both of our subjects didn't require a full workload, and we would be each be teaching on opposite days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday for me, and Tuesday, Thursday for him. At least I wouldn't have to see him often, I thought, feeling a little bad for making such a quick judgment. He didn't offer much conversation, and had even turned down a drink, so our conversation was short lived. When he left, I stood to leave as well, but Reu asked me to wait, stopping me at the door.

"I know we have classes tomorrow, so I won't keep you. I just wanted to get your impression of Professor Stone," he asked, looking more serious than I'd seen him.

"I think he's pretty scary, to tell you the truth. I don't know who he is in the real world, but I get a vibe from him that makes me want to obliviate any knowledge of me ever meeting him, or him meeting me. I know that sounds terribly judgmental," I said, knowing I had a pretty good tolerance for people normally.

"No, not at all. I want your honesty, and it only confirms my own reservations," Reu said as if in deep thought. "I'll keep an eye on him. As a mitigator, I have control of his Ether Stone, and I can send him right back the way he came if needed," Reu said with a reassuring smile. 

Reu leaned forward, giving me a soft peck on the cheek, "You know, the meeting went faster than I expected. It's not really that late. Why don't you stay a while longer?" he asked, and I could hear the three glasses of wine in his voice.

I could also feel the wine I'd drank creating a nice warm glow for me as well. "You know Reu, I might have to take you up on your invitation... just not tonight," I replied. Not that his invitation wasn't intriguing. I was not a virgin in the real world, but I am in this one. I'd always considered virginity a man-made construct, and the thought of having to save oneself for some supposedly deserving man always irked me a little, even though that was the path I had followed. But given a second opportunity in this Realm, I surprisingly felt some importance in waiting.  I couldn't quite grasp why, but I wanted to see how things might develop with Severus before making love to someone else. And heck, I just got here. I'm not old fashioned, but it seemed a little sudden to be rolling in the hay with anyone.

"Well, Avia, it seems like you are a faster runner than you give yourself credit for," Reu quipped, and we both chuckled at that. "Actually, Avia, I don't know everything about you, even though I already feel close to you, but I do understand some things.
I can see the sparks already between you and Professor Snape. You may find that you and I could share experiences with each other that do not... compromise... what you wish to save for him," Reu said, and I could swear he could read my mind.  His straightforwardness was not awkward or embarrassing, and I found it to be attractive in a weird sense of the word.

"Hmmm. Food for thought," I answered, and my answer held no sarcasm. It was actually an intriguing proposition. I reached up and kissed his cheek, "You know Reu, I know I've only just met you, but today I feel like I've found something in my life that I've never really had before, a true friend. And before you think I'm 'friend-zoning' you, I have to tell you that I can't wait to explore other possibilities that our unique friendship could offer."  He flashed his eyes at me, and I swear that expression seemed somehow familiar. I did my best at trying to copy it, which ended up just looking like I waggled my eyebrows at him. He must have got my meaning though, and he placed his hand on the side of my face tenderly and leaned in to press his lips to mine. I would be lying to myself if I denied that there was a spark there, and I smiled as our "mmm" created a harmony.

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