Chapter 3 - Magical Etiquette

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Gerald, the man I met on the first day, came in to the training room carrying a small electronic device which looked almost like a medical scanner of sorts with two long prongs on the end.

"Katherine, I mean Avia, this is where the packet comes in to play. Place these on your temples. It is painless. Although it isn't always comfortable," he said, handing me the device before going to a cabinet and bringing me back a plastic basin.

He placed the basin in front of me on the table. Ah, a vomit pan. I've seen those before. Great. "What does it do?" I asked, referring to the device, not unwilling at this point to do it even without explanation.

"There are memories and experiences from your Etherworlder that cannot be conveyed through traditional learning. Your training has given you a basis to allow that knowledge to be integrated into your brain. It can be performed without that basis, but it is unpleasant and often ineffective... like dumping an encyclopedia into a toddler's brain, since there would be nothing for you to relate the information to," he said, and I could see the sense in that. "You will still be able to discern your own memories from Avia's, but you will be able to draw upon Avia's memories as if they were your own. You will also be able to use her magical abilities, and Occlumency is fortunately one of her skills, especially when dealing with those who may try to enter your mind. All of her skills can even be built upon, if you dedicate yourself to do so. You will eventually find a balance... of yourself and herself... hopefully," Gerald said, and it sounded a little complex to me to be honest. Oh well, 'all in' and all.

Once I had the prongs on my temples, he pressed a button on the device. A cascade of images and thoughts flowed into my mind. Not like a meandering stream, but like a rushing river, slamming hard over the rocks, sending up sprays of water, stinging and pounding on my brain. My stream of consciousness seemed convoluted, and I felt like I was 'splinched', to use a Harry Potter word. When it was over, I was more than grateful for the vomit pan, and I wretched and puked. I rinsed my mouth out with water and spat. No use being ladylike at this point.

"That was fun," I said, glad that I hadn't lost my own identity to the point I couldn't find some sarcasm to call upon.

"I will leave you with your thoughts... and hers. You will be leaving this evening. I would suggest spending the rest of the day with yourself. You won't be seeing 'yourself' for quite some time after all," Gerald said, and he sounded a bit sarcastic himself. I had grown to like him really.

I headed to my room, which was a small, hotel like room. I texted my kids, and they told me they loved me, and I told them the same. Of course I couldn't tell them what was going on. I took a selfie in the mirror for some reason. I wish I could take my phone with me. I wonder if I will be disappointed to come back to myself after this is all said and done. No, I like myself just fine. Whatever life I might find in the Ether Realm will never take the place of my own...

Gerald took me in a car to a cottage in the middle of the country. I guess I expected the Threshold to be in the office building, but I was wrong. I felt fortunate that it was Gerald that went with me. He was comforting in a strange way, and he would be the last person from this reality that I would see for a long while.

"I can offer you a hug or a handshake," he said, smiling at me like he knew I needed one or the other.

"A hug, if you don't mind," I said, smiling sheepishly back. He reached out and grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug, and I didn't realize how much I needed it until I heard a long sigh escape my lungs. I wasn't scared really. Not anymore. But this felt momentous in a way that I hadn't really grasped yet. Gerald let me determine how long I needed, and I finally pulled away. He nodded, and told me I was ready.

At that, I knew what to do next, and I did it. I stepped through the Threshold. It looked like a doorway. Unremarkable really. A faint glimmer if you looked long enough. But once I stepped through, everything changed. I changed.

I was suddenly in a different place. It was really real! It took me a full minute just to process that. I was alone, thank goodness. I was in a bedroom, and from the packet, I could tell it was my own bedroom at Hogwarts. The previous Traveler had passed on some notes as to recent events, so I knew today was Sunday, and that tomorrow I would be back to teaching classes at Hogwarts.

I am going to be teaching magic etiquette to the aspiring wizards and witches of Hogwarts. Professor of Magical Etiquette... it doesn't really roll off the tongue. In fact, I thought it sounded made up when they first told me, but they had insisted it was a real subject. It had to do with appropriate use of magic in the magical community. It also covered conduct for specific ceremonies, as well as the history of certain magical events. I could dig it I guess.

The previous Traveler had also shared her source of difficulty with Professor Snape. She obviously found his demeanor and use of magic to be unacceptable in regards to 'her' standards of etiquette. To me, it basically sounded like she nagged him until he retaliated... and he had 'accidentally' dumped a cauldron of cold water on her. She had stomped off, soaked to the bone, and went back to her room to immediately use her Ether Stone to return home.

That was today, and guess what!? The bitch didn't change her clothes before leaving... So here I am, dripping wet, in the middle of the bedroom.

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