Chapter 10 - Courage... There You Are

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I finished up with my last class for the day, stalling a little by going over some of my lesson plans for Wednesday, wiping down all of the desks, and chairs, and bookshelves, and I realized I couldn't put it off any longer. Professor Snape would be waiting on me. I grabbed my bag and started towards the door. As soon as I turned, I saw Professor Snape leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed across his chest, his legs crossed at the ankles, and a cross expression on his face to make it a full set. "Professor Snape," I said, hoping he didn't see me startled at seeing him. I wondered how long he had been standing there.

"Professor Airhart. I do believe this is the first time I've seen so much effort put into cleaning a classroom. Is there a reason you don't use magic instead?" he asked, not moving from the doorway.

"Uuuuuuuuuh," I said. At that, he pushed himself from the doorway, uncrossing his arms, and slowly walked towards me.  Damn. Unbelievable how if I wasn't so attracted to this man. his whole demeanor would scare the hell out of me. Of course I say that as I feel that tremble starting from my insides. Courage... I remind myself.

I wanted to answer his question before he got too close to me. I just got some weird feeling that he may see my lie for what it was the closer he was to me. "I just like cleaning sometimes. It's good for the body and mind to to do physical labor," I said, trying to sound convincing.

"Two...," he said, stopping only a step away from me.

"Pardon?" I asked, not sure what that even meant.

"That makes "two" times you have answered my question with something less than honesty," he said, his eyes daring me to look away. I think he just basically called me a liar!

"How so?" I replied, knowing of at least three, but who's counting?

"Please.. Avia," he said.

I almost forgot we were on a first name basis now, and it felt incredibly personal in a good way. I swallowed, almost not finding enough moisture in my mouth to do so.

"I am not a fool, and I find it personally insulting to be treated as one," Severus said, and I could see how Reu may have found it difficult to construe his words to discern his implied meaning.

"I don't think you're a fool, Severus... far be it," I replied, and I felt a twinge of guilt for basically lying to him from the start. Dishonesty wasn't my nature, and it wasn't his fault my being here was such a complicated thing. I wondered why I found it so hard to be open with him like I am with Reu. Sure Reu had an advantage by knowing the circumstances of me being here, but he was also a stranger to me before yesterday as well. Maybe I would try to more open with Severus, too. It just wasn't as easy to be myself with him, especially since I felt jittery in his presence, like some love-sick school girl. But maybe it wasn't too late to start off on a better foot. "In fact, I've always held you in high regard. Maybe we got off to a bad start. Can we start over now?" I asked sincerely.

He looked at me for a long, uncomfortable moment. Suddenly, he held out his hand, as if to offer me a handshake, "Professor Severus Snape, however you may call me Severus when we are not in a professional setting." 

I reached out and took his hand, shaking it, noticing that his hands were both soft and hard, and incredibly warm. "Professor Avia Phoenix Airhart, and you are welcome to call me Avia," I replied, knowing even that was not the complete truth.

"A pleasure," Severus said, bowing almost imperceptibly.

"The pleasure is mine," I replied in turn.

"It will be.... And I'm certain mine as well," he said, raising my hand up to place his gorgeous lips on it. Fortunately he closed his eyes when he kissed my hand, because I had no idea what expression was even on my face at this moment.

What even was it with this place anyway!? Did the men around here go through some sort of sexual innuendo training?  Sure I enjoy some suggestive wordplay, but I think they may even be a little advanced for me. "So what did you want to have a word with me about?" I asked, clasping my hands together in front of me so I didn't look so nervous.

"'One' of the 'two' that I mentioned. The 'first' in fact," he said, and I got the feeling he enjoyed talking in riddles. "I still get the distinct feeling you are frightened of me, and I was hoping to remedy that. Being professional colleagues, our paths will surely cross on almost a daily basis, and I think it would be more comfortable for both of us to... get to know each other better," he offered, and in a way that sounded quite sincere.

I wonder if the 'get to know each other better' had the same implication in this Realm as it did in my world. I felt a little silly that I had been acting so strange around him, and yes, I did feel like if I got to know him better, I might be more comfortable around him.

"Well then," I started, "In the spirit of getting to know each other better, I will provide a more honest answer to your question... yes, I am a little scared of you. I don't think I intended to lie when I answered originally, it's just that the answer is a little embarrassing to me. I don't consider myself a fearful person normally, and admitting such is uncomfortable for me," there, let's see where that lands.

"Thank you for your honesty. Was that so bad?" he asked, and I swear I could almost see a pleasant smile start to pull up the ends of his mouth.

"Yes... yes it was," I answered, laughing at my own trepidation, which had honestly eased a little with the exchange.  He was definitely Severus Snape, but there was something about him that was less severe than movie Snape, and yet there was something more profoundly fierce about him, and I could sense that he was indeed a powerfully formidable wizard, as well as a powerfully formidable man. All of that culminated into an immensely alluring magnetism of extraordinary magnitude. But enough about him, what about me... I was enthralled... entranced... enchanted, and I wanted more than anything for him to NOT know that. Strike three? Maybe... but I never considered withholding information to be the same as a lie.

"You realize that I am aware that you are blocking my mind from yours, don't you?" he asked, out of the blue.

"No, I did not realize that, but since you realize that my door is locked, I would appreciate it if you didn't try to open it," I replied, hoping he would comprehend my own riddle of sorts.

"Understood," he answered, and although he hadn't necessarily agreed, I took it as such. "Now, for the remedy I spoke of... would you be willing to share a drink with me tonight?" he asked. I didn't have classes tomorrow, and no other excuse presented itself. I knew I didn't need an excuse to say no, but I didn't necessarily want to say no either.

"Yes, that sounds lovely," courage... there you are.

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