Chapter 9 - Might I Have a Word

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First day of teaching... I had no idea. So many personalities packed into one room, and I couldn't wait to get to know them all.  The previous Terran had entered into the Realm shortly after classes started for the year, so I had Avia's memories of the students and teachers from the first month or so, but since I was lacking the Terran's memories for more recent weeks, I had to guess at some of it. The older group of students didn't really seem like children, and most didn't even look like children. That class was the best. They were so close to being adults, and they didn't even know it.

I sat next to Professor Thomas, Reu, at lunch, and we talked about my first day. Severus looked at us from his end of the table and gave me a little smirk, probably curious to see if me and my colleague would be acting like children today. Sorry to disappoint you, Professor Snape, but I have my game face on today.

Professor Thomas was good at talking under his breath to where I could hear what he was saying, but most other people would probably not even notice he was even talking... And he was delightfully wicked.

"Your future lover stopped me today in the hall," he said, and I choked a little on my pumpkin juice.

He smacked my back, which was obviously now a thing, and I regained my composure.  I didn't dare look down to Professor Snape. "Really?" I replied, under my breath as well.

"It's the first time he's said more than a few words to me. He wanted to know how long we've known each other, and seemed quite interested in every morsel of information I provided. I dare say he was hanging on my every word," Professor Thomas said, and I didn't need to look at him to imagine his amused expression.

We were obviously going to be gossip buddies as well. "And what info did you supply?" I asked, wishing I could have been a fly on the wall.

"Only the truth, that we've only known each other since the beginning of the school year, but that I find you to be a particularly talented teacher, a person of good character, and that you posses an adorably divine sense of humor," he offered.

"Oh, wow, thank you, Professor Thomas," I said, blushing a little at the compliment, especially since he had said all of this to Professor Snape. "And what did he say?" I asked.

"He told me in the most polite way possible, and I actually had to think about what he said before understanding his underlying meaning..." he said, and chose that moment to take a bite of his food, chewing it leisurely, then taking a long drink of his juice, and I it suddenly dawned on me that I was also hanging on his every word, and that he was teasing me, holding back his answer for dramatic effect.

I kicked him under the table, and he choked on his pumpkin juice, and I smacked him on the back, maybe even a little harder than I needed to. He chuckled, then leaned in a little closer to finally spill the beans, "He told me, not in his exact words, but in no uncertain terms nonetheless..." At this point I turned to look at him, glaring at him with my eyes, an annoyed smirk on my face, and he finally relented, "He 'implied' that I'd better keep my grubby, womanizing, undeserving hands off you or else an unfortunate curse may befall me." 

I was strangely flattered. Ok, really flattered. Not that I would want a curse to befall my dear friend, but it seemed that Professor Snape had some sort of interest in me. "And what did you say?" I asked, curious.

"I didn't. I winked and went on my way. Not that I didn't have plenty to say, I just didn't want to create more tension. And... because my magical abilities are not as gifted at Occlumency as yours are, and I was afraid he would see that I do indeed plan on getting my hands on you," he of course said all of this in his nonchalant, charming, flirtatious sort of way.

I gasped in mock incredulity. "Professor Thomas! I must say! Although, I am happy to hear that you are not good at the whole mind reading thing. Though sometimes I've wondered," I replied, not opposed to flirting with this adorable man.

"I said I wasn't gifted at Occlumency. I didn't say anything about Legilimency," he laughed, and this time my mouth dropped open. "I'm just teasing dear," he said, looking at me with a wide mouthed grin, "But your expression now speaks volumes," he chuckled, and I couldn't help but join in his amusement.

"Touché," I said softly, finding my own occasion to use the buzz word. I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and I was hesitant to turn around.  I heard a cough come from behind me, like someone was trying to get my attention without saying my name. I pretended I didn't hear... let him say my name, my wicked streak thought.

"Professor Airhart," Professor Snape said, and I turned to look at him.

"Oh, hello Professor Snape," I said politely.

"Might I have a word with you after class?" he asked.

"Why? Am I in trouble?  Are you handing out detentions?" I said, and I have no idea where I gained the courage, if you want to call it that, to be so flippant with him. 

"That... depends," he said in response.

I came so close to asking him what it depends on... ok, I have no self control, "On what?"  I said, and I could swear I heard Professor Thomas swallow a laugh.

"On whether or not your behavior warrants it," Severus said, and I could see his eyebrows raise almost imperceptibly, and I felt like I'd been outmatched in our little word war.

"Touché," came from my gossip buddy, my cohort in crime... my friend!  I shot him a look, and he smartly kept his eyes averted. 

I would admit that I was a little excited that I would be seeing Severus later, and by his own request, but part of me was scared shitless. I smiled and answered nonchalantly, "Of course. Since my classes end earlier than yours, would you like me come to your classroom at the end of your last class?" I asked.

"That would be acceptable," he replied, and turned on his heel to leave, but not before shooting a look at the back of Professor Thomas's head.

"Oh! My! Word!  What just happened?!" I said, my heart beating fast.

"See?  I told you you were doing fine on your own," he said, waggling his eyebrows at me.

"What do you think he wants to see me for?" I asked, hoping my friend would have some insight.

"All of the answers that are coming to my mind right now are not appropriate in this setting, and as much as I enjoy seeing you blush, I will simply leave it up to your imagination," he answered, and I blushed anyway, to his great amusement. "However, if you have time after your meeting with him, I would no doubt appreciate it if you stop by my place. I am a patient man, but I can't wait to hear all about it," he said, and we shared a quick laugh before heading back to our classes.

I am definitely not a patient person, and the suspense was killing me. What could Severus possibly want to see me about? Would I say something so embarrassing that he would never want to talk to me again? Did he maybe like me? Like "like" me? I felt like a teenager again, and I was reminded how awkward that stage of my life was. It would have been much more fun if I had just enjoyed it instead of worrying. Maybe this was a lesson... a second chance to enjoy the anticipation of mutual affection instead of worrying whether or not someone "liked" me or not. With that in mind, I decided to try to look forward to my meeting instead of trying to play out every possible scenario in my mind before I even got there.

Well, I was almost successful in keeping my thoughts in check. My last two classes almost killed me though, and I couldn't keep from thinking about what he could possibly want to talk to me about, and part of me wanted the school to burn down, or something equally as disastrous, so that I would have a good excuse not to show up. Courage... I need to work on that.

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