Chapter 6 - Possibilities are Endless

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It was Sunday, so I knew I didn't have to wear my formal teaching attire today. I chose a cream colored blouson tunic that had peasant sleeves with leather laces. My breeches matched the leather color, and they laced up, as did the opening to my tunic. It was a bit swashbuckler in nature, and the soft leather boots only added to that effect. There was a thin sleeve on the side of my pants for my wand, and I felt like a genuine witch in this get-up. I noticed I was already picking up a new habit with my hair, and I couldn't seem to keep from twirling one of the locks with my fingers. I also couldn't seem to keep from tapping my want on my thigh occasionally, as if to remind myself of the reality of magic in this Realm. Magic... I thought about that for a long moment... I'm a witch in the Realm. A real witch.

My stomach rumbled, and I wondered what was for dinner. I couldn't wait to try out Hogwarts food. I wonder if it's as good as it looks in the movies. I strode through the halls with a singular focus, and even if I didn't know the way from my imbedded memories, I could have smelled my way to the dining hall. Everything seemed so vivid, maybe even more so than in the real world. Maybe that had something to do with my magic abilities. I could feel them. They hovered inside me and around me, as if waiting in queue to be called upon. It was exhilarating, and I couldn't wait to use what I knew I now possessed.

Everyone else heading to dinner seemed focused on reaching their destination as well. There weren't a lot of students or teachers, since it was still technically the weekend, but those who were here seemed happy and carefree, wearing their casual weekend wear. Except for Professor Snape. He wore exactly what he always wore... well without his teaching robe at least. He looked quite regal sitting in his place at the head table. He caught my eye, and I nodded my greeting. Surprisingly, he nodded back.  I saw movement at the other end of the table, and recognized Reu, waving at me, unshyly beckoning me to join him. That felt good. It eased my trepidation at wondering where to sit. Of course, Avia's memories would have given a clue, but I was trying to make a conscious effort not to rely too much on her specific memories. I could feel them becoming meshed with my own, and I wanted that natural feel of knowing what to do without thinking too hard about it. It was almost like instinct, and I could already feel it all kicking in to make this experience more comfortable. I waved back, and hurried over to sit next to Reu.

"Oh! I can't wait!  I'm starving!" I said as I sat, my hand on my stomach, hopefully not lacking the propriety befitting a Professor of Magical Etiquette. Tomorrow I would have to remember to act more... well... professional. Reu offered me an adorable grin, and I knew he was smiling at the confirmation of his assessment of me that I wasn't one to hide my emotions.

"You look dashing," he said, eyeballing my attire.

"Thank you. You look quite devil-may-care yourself," I replied, using a Harry Potter phrase I'd heard Luna use. I think I used it right, and the already familiar flash of his eyes confirmed it.

I took a drink from the goblet in front of me. It was a sweet red wine, and it was delicious. When the plates magically appeared before us, I rubbed my hands together briskly in anticipation before picking up my utensils.  I took a moment to draw in a nose full of the heavenly aroma before I dug in. Yes, it was divine. It was a Cornish hen stuffed with wild rice, just like I'd had before at Medieval Times back in the day, only better. But... this little bird still had its head attached, eyeballs and all, and since I didn't want it looking at me while I devoured it, I discreetly took the sprig of mint leaves and placed it over its head.

Reu must have seen my action, and he suddenly roared with laughter. Well, maybe not roared, but it was the first time in a long time I'd heard a man laugh so heartily. If it wasn't so much fun sharing his laughter, I may have been embarrassed. My eyes were watering at this point from laughing so hard, and Reu slapped me on the back as his laughter was finally starting to subside.

"This is going to be more fun than I even imagined," he said, leaning into my ear, and I could tell I'd found another kindred spirit.

Maybe that's why he was a Surveyor. He seemed to have a spirit of youthful exuberance. I was curious about what he was like in the real world. I didn't even know if he was young or old. I could see how his suggestion of getting to know him in this Ream by his present persona was actually pretty compelling. Suddenly, I felt something creeping in on my thoughts. Not my thoughts really, but like a wisp of air touching my brain and my face at the same time. I turned to look, and my eyes met Professor Snape's. It was unnerving to say the least, but not in a bad way, and I felt a twinge of something, besides the hen, in my stomach. I smiled and shyly batted my eyes before looking back down to my plate. Not intentionally of course. My face had a mind of its own, as I was recently reminded.  Reu, perceptive as ever, must have noticed the exchange, and leaned back into my ear.

"Ah, I can see I won't have a chance in this Realm after all. Perhaps we can meet again in the next," he whispered, and my face felt like it was going to burst into flames.

He chuckled, moving back to start on his own meal. I leaned towards him without taking my eyes off my food. "Why should we limit ourselves to singular chances, in this Realm or any?" I replied, not knowing where in the hell that came from. Maybe from Avia's side of my brain. No, I laughed to myself, I knew better. I would have to own that question, and it's implications. I wasn't a harlot, by any means. I had only been with one man in my life... my dear deceased husband. Maybe something about the fantasy of this world had made me bolder. I might have to reign that in a little or I'm going to get myself in trouble.

"Touché," Reu said, his eyebrow raised, taking a long moment to look at me as I continued eating without missing a beat. 

I stopped suddenly and looked at him before he turned away, talking with a mouthful tucked in my cheek, "Let's pretend that didn't just jump out of my mouth. Ok?  I've never been one to bite off more than I can chew, and I can tell you may be more than a..." Oh! My! Lord!  I almost just said that he was more than a mouthful! Ha! I coughed and almost spit out my food, laughing, unattractively I'm sure, at my own Freudian slip. He gratefully smacked me on the back again, laughing right along with me. "I'm so sorry, Rue.  I think it's the wine. I'm not used to drinking really. I don't seem to be used to talking either," I said, sheepishly looking at him sideways.

"Oh, no! Don't apologize!  This is the most fun I've had in ages!" Reu said, smiling from ear to ear.  "Let's just 'not' pretend you didn't say that, and try to keep an open mind about our 'limitations.' Agreed?" he said, keeping his options open, and perhaps even mine.

"Agreed," I answered before giving my inhibitions a chance to take their rightful place, and he gave me a look, and my hand a quick squeeze, as if reassuring me that the possibilities are endless in this wizardly world.

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