Chapter 14 - This Gorgeous Man

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I walked through the dark corridors of Hogwarts. I thought it might be creepier at night, especially with the portraits of sleeping souls adorning the stone walls, but I felt surprisingly at ease amongst those who shared this magical place. I felt unbelievably fortunate to be here, and a wave of sentimentality washed over me. It was dark, so I drew my wand just in case I needed the light. I thought about my evening with both Severus and Reu. I felt like Severus already had his foot in the door to my heart, and it felt exciting and scary at the same time. Reu felt like a comfortable blanket that I had wrapped myself with, warm and cozy. He was exciting in his own right. He had proved to be a patient and talented lover, although he had been true to his word, and we had skirted the boundaries of our lovemaking as to not actually 'go all the way.' But we had found that limit to be a non-issue, and we had found a deep fulfillment in each other. The experience was sexy and fun and passionate, and I had never in my life had an experience like it. He had a sensual way about him that enjoyed pleasing and being pleased, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was that way before his years of experience as a surveyor. One thing I could definitely feel, is even though he had lived dozens of lives, which probably included numerous love affairs, he did not seem to have grown weary of the experience, and I could see why he had embraced his sexual nature to be his 'one vice', as he had said, to bring more excitement to his time in the Ether.

My thoughts drifted back to Severus. I hoped that I could find a way past his barrier into his heart. As much as I appreciated my friendship with Reu, my heart craved a deeper love, and Severus had already touched my heart in a way that caused me pain at feeling that void in myself, a void that I wanted desperately for him to fill. I had never been a desperate person, and I didn't feel like a desperate person even now for wanting that for myself. I also felt that same void in him, and I hoped I could be enough for him. Ah, there's that courage thing again, I thought. I would be enough for him! More than enough! I'm not an arrogant person, and I have eaten enough humble pie in my life to know I'm not stuck on myself, or conceited. I just want to have enough courage in myself to lay it all on the line, and then, if I fail, to be willing to get back up and try again.

I haven't even been in this Realm a week, and I am already looking forward to my newfound courage and what it could lead to. In a strange sort of way, fooling around with Reu took a little of the edge off too, and I felt like I could even share the same space with Severus without having that desperate feeling of wanting to rush into a physical relationship with him.

"Perhaps detention will be required after all. It is way past curfew, and you should be asleep in your bed," I heard the velvety low voice that was unique to the Severus of this Realm, and I could feel my stomach do that thing again that it did in his presence. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, and I smiled to myself.

"I could say the same for you. Unless you are moonlighting as a security guard on the graveyard shift," I said, turning to see Severus's silhouette in the darkness.

"I always find your word choices to be unique to you, and I can only think to  attribute that to your upbringing in that far away land outside of this realm," he said, moving in an impossibly slow movement towards me, and I fought the instinct to back away from his advance.

My heart jumped at his word choice. Surely he didn't know of the Ether Realm and the Threshold between our worlds. I decided that it was a mere coincidence, him referring to The States as a 'realm,' otherwise the complications would be unfathomable if he knew. I knew that the accidental revelation of our world had occurred in the past, but I had no idea how the damage was mitigated. Maybe I needed to have that discussion with Reu. Until then, I would try to enjoy this unexpected occasion to see him again tonight. "I've always wondered what my accent sounds like to others here. I'm sure it isn't nearly as delightful as hearing your's. Of course, I'm sure you've been told before how wonderfully divine your deep, resonate voice sounds... and feels... like a low purr that reverberates deeply, gently strumming on the eardrums of those fortunate enough to experience it," I said, and I had no idea where that all came from. Ok, maybe it was one of my favorite things about Movie Snape, and this Realm's Severus had an equally magnificent voice. Suddenly, he had closed the distance between us, as if by magic, and his lips were a breath away from my ear.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you are flirting with me, Professor Airhart," he said, his warm breath tickling my ear, sending a jolt through my body, and I knew I wasn't lying about any of the descriptive words I had just used.

"Mmm. It is after school hours... are we no longer on a first name basis, Professor Snape?" I said, avoiding his accusation, although I wouldn't be above flirting with him a little.

"No," he said simply, as he straightened back up to look down at me, and I had to look back at my question to try to understand his answer.

It wasn't actually a riddle this time, but he seemed to have a way about making me think about the limited words we shared. His powerfully electric presence might have something to do with that intrigue though, and I would admit that I could feel that power like the hum of an electric current coursing over my body. Suddenly I realized the irony of my thoughts about not being tempted to rush into a physical relationship with Severus, and I wondered if I would be forced to eat my own words.

"I'm happy to hear that, Severus. Now, since you seem determined to assign me detention, I will submit to your punishment, and serve my penance willingly. I have never been one to shirk the consequences of my actions," I said, 'all in' on this war of words and will. His eyebrows raised at that, and I felt as if I'd won the first battle.

"I get the distinct impression that I have finally found a formidable match, Avia. Just be careful that you don't let your words dictate more that you are willing to deliver," and I know he did not just tell me not to let my mouth write a check that my ass couldn't cash! Well, Severus Snape, I would have you know that my account is quite adequate, I thought to myself, feeling a little braver than I would be willing to show.

"Point taken," I said instead, smiling sheepishly.

"Well then, since a lesson seems to have been learned, I will withhold detention until a future learning opportunity presents itself," he said, and I think we were tied at this point, one to one. Goodness, this is turning out to be way more fun that I imagined. At that point, Severus proffered his arm, "Would you allow me to escort you back to your room, Avia?" and for the first time I realized how much I loved my new name, and how it sounded coming from this gorgeous man.

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