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Addison POV
"I'm ready" I whisper to myself getting out of my car and heading towards the church. When I walked in I saw everyone from the hospital and even my friends from the practice, but i didn't say anything . I walked straight past them and up to the coffin that was sitting on the altar holding my beloved fiancé " I love you baby" I whisper placing my hand on the closed casket and letting a single tear fall from my eye . I took my seat and the ceremony began.

"And now we have Addison Montgomery up to say a word" I didn't hear him , I couldn't hear anything the priest was saying all I could think about was my fiancé laying in that box and that today would be the last time I ever see her . "Addie?" I was brought out of my trance by Arizona grabbing my hand "it's time for the eulogy Addie".
I quickly stood up and walked to the microphone right beside the coffin.
I grabbed a piece of paper out of my pocket but then it really hit me I really won't ever see mer again I broke down silently crying hugging the coffin "come on Addie" if was Amelia she grabbed my hand and brought me to the microphone "you can do this Addie" she then gave me a smile and walked back to her seat and I began ,
"Dearest Meredith, everyday since I saw you laying on the floor not breathing I have been broken. Mer I will love you till the day I die when I'm 110  old , smelly and senile and you'll be looking down on me from heaven.
I remember the day you proposed to me it was the happiest day of my life but I also remember you whispering "life really is like the ocean" I didn't understand why at the time but now I do Life is like the ocean it can be calm or still and rough or rigid but in the end it's always beautiful , even though I didn't get to grow old with you , the little time I spent with you was beautiful.
I love you so much mer
Rest easy my love."


( I'm sorry 😭. Thank you so much for reading it means so much)

Code blue Meredith greyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ