Not ready

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Addison POV
I got out of bed because breakfast was taking too long and all I wanted to do was see mer , but when I went downstairs she wasn't cooking she was sitting at the table whiter than ever . " hey mer , is everything ok?" I asked as I was clearly concerned " oh hey Addie sorry yeah I'm ok I hope you don't mind I couldn't make breakfast I felt sick" " oh that's ok mer" I say leaning down to kiss mer on the cheek .

Meredith POV
After Addie kissed my cheek I thought now or never " hey Addie I uh I think I'm ready to go to the hospital , if that's ok with you?" I say hoping she would agree so I could get those damn staples out of my arms " are you sure mer" Addie replies " yeah I'm sure" Addie went upstairs to get dressed and I sat waiting going through every possible scenario in my head . I was nowhere near ready to go to the hospital but I had to .
On the car ride over I stayed quiet , I was lost in my thoughts .
When we got to the hospital I grabbed addies hand and held it as tightly as I could " it's ok mer your going to be ok" Addie reassured me . I walked in and took a deep breath , taking in all my surroundings " mer do you want to go to the attending lounge first ?" I nod .
When we got to the attending a longe everyone was there , it looked like they were glad to see me but I couldn't hear a word they were saying all I could hear was Dereks voice every blink I could see his face . When I snapped out of my trance I remembered the reason I was here " hey Addie I'm gonna go for a walk I'll be ok you stay here okay?" I whisper to Addie "ok" she replies and I'm gone .
I wasn't ready to be here every corner I took I could see his face I could still hear his voice , I began breathing heavily and before I knew it I was sweating a cold horrible sweat.

Lexi POV
I was at the nurses station when i saw the back of Merediths head I didn't think she was supposed to be back yet but I went over and when I saw her face I was shocked , she was crying and shaking I grabbed her hand and led her to an on call room .
" hey mer are you ok?" I ask but I didn't get a reply she just kept sobbing uncontrollably " mer I know you don't like me very much but I am her if you want to talk , I am a very good secret keeper" at this stage it had became quiet "o- ok l-lexi but you c-can't tell anyone , I need you to get a suture kit and lots of gauze ok?" Meredith managed to say through sobs.

Meredith POV
I could tell lexi right ? I thought to myself when she was gone . I composed myself shes my sister she won't tell anyone I assure myself .
Lexi walked in with everything on a tray " w-what are we doing mer because technically this is stealing a-and I don't like stealing" lexi whispered closing the on call room door "lock the door please" I reply and I pull up my sleeves.

( sorry this is way longer than they other parts but should I just stick to Meredith POV or should I do everyone POV)

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