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Meredith POV
I stood staring then Charlotte stepped in "you two know each other?". I didn't say anything I just kept my eyes on him "oh yeah me and mer used to work together"
I was lost in my mind there were no voices just flashbacks.

Addison POV
When I got off the phone I headed up to the practice , I was expecting everyone to be in the kitchen surrounding mer, but nobody was was there not even mer. I headed towards the offices looking in , she wasn't in Naomi, violet or Pete's office so that just left Sam.
When I got to Sam's office, I wasn't ready for what I was about to see . "Addie" Sam says surprised I ignored it . "Charlotte get mer out of here"she looked at me confused but did what I said . I walked in ready to kill that man "YOU BASTARD , YOU SICK BASTARD , YOU SHOULD BE ROTTING IN JAIL" I yell punching him , he just stood there and took it until I felt Sam pull me away "Addie what's going on" "that sick bastard nearly killed my fiancé"
I noticed the crowd standing staring at me"SAM KEEP HIM HERE" I yell pushing past Naomi and violet to go find mer.
I found her in Charlotte's office . Charlotte was trying to talk to her but she was just staring off into the distance.

Meredith POV
It was like I was living one of my nightmares . It was like I was moving in slow motion but the world was going twice the speed it should

Addison POV
I walked into the kitchen trying to compose my self before going into mer . I sat down and began crying . Charlotte, Naomi and Violet noticed I was crying and came in to try and comfort me.
"Addie what's going on?" Naomi asked they all sat down beside me , I lifted up my head and stared at all 3 of them " a few months ago Derek and mer were dating he treated her like absolute crap , one day I found her in a puddle of her own blood so I let her stay the night at my place then the day after Derek nearly beat her to death, after we saved her that piece of crap kidnapped her and left her in the woods to die and then he disappeared"
Everyone looked at me in disbelief "should we call the police?"Naomi asked "no they gave up on the case a while back ."

Charlotte POV
I was shocked at what Addison just said . Meredith seemed so happy this morning "uh maybe violet you should talk to her" I mention "yeah I'll go"

Violet POV
I knocked on the door trying not to startle Meredith but I got no response so I just walked in , she wasn't there how could she just disappear , she couldn't be far could she?

Code blue Meredith greyWhere stories live. Discover now