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Meredith POV
I thought if I got away from Seattle for awhile it would help clear my mind from all those terrible thoughts "mer I thought you weren't supposed to be discharged for another few weeks" " oh yeah I was doing really well so dr wyatt discharged me and I asked her not to tell you so I could surprise you" I lied grabbing addies hand and leading her to her car "let's get packed"
We drive home smiling at eachother when we got home I went upstairs and packed mine and addies bags then snook into the bathroom without Addie noticing and grabbed a blade and slid it into my pocket , then I grabbed our bags and brought them down to Addie who was waiting on the stairs "let's go I say while going in for a kiss "let's go she replied smiling
When we got to the airport I helped Addie get the bags out of the car "hey Addie I'm gonna go to the bathroom" " ok mer I'll wait here"she says after me

I headed towards the bathroom with the blade in my pocket . I knew I had to use it before security or I would probably get arrested for having a weapon. I walked in got an empty stall and sat on the toilet . I pulled out the razor , I was excited, I hadn't cut in days , I needed to cut . I ran the blade down my arm feeling the most relieved i had in days.
When I finished I cleaned up and threw the blade in the bin.
When we got on the plane I had an idea "Addie" I whisper not knowing if she was awake "yeah mer"she whispered back "let's get married"Addie smiled at me "when?" "When we get back to Seattle "okay"
"I really love you Addie" " I really love you mer".

Code blue Meredith greyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang