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Meredith found herself wandering from the hospital to Joe's  bar , not ready to go near Derek after what had happened . Meredith took shot after shot trying to drown out all her problems getting drunker and drunker each shot .

By the time closing time came Meredith was drunker than she had ever been , joe offered to call a cab but she refused . She stumbled out the door and out to the street . Falling off the sidewalk and blacking out falling onto the road

Meredith woke up to the sound of a familiar voice it was Addison Montgomery "mer c'mon get up " Addison said as she lifted her up and put her arm around her shoulder guiding Meredith to her car

Meredith started talking  drunkly " somethings wrong with Derek he doesn't fish anymore he doesn't seem mc dreamy anymore he's not Derek any-" before Meredith could finish her sentence she threw up all over Addison's white leather car
Meredith started crying saying it's all her fault , Addison quickly butting in "shhhhhhh none of this is your fault .

Addison pulled up at her house and carried Meredith up to her bathroom for a shower and to get cleaned up .Addison gave Meredith a pair of her old pink silk pyjamas and pink fluffy slippers. After her shower Addison helps Meredith get to her bed  "stay "
Meredith mumbled cuddling up in Addison's king size bed .

Addison got into bed beside Meredith quickly asking her "are you okay ?" Meredith starts crying and her head falls onto Addison's lap . Meredith replies back "why is it when I see other men I am a whore but all the women before me he's cool ,back when I was with my girlfriend she trusted me I wasn't scared of her . Then she left me for no reason "

Addison was stunned by this information "Meredith had a girlfriend " she thought to herself but looks by that and asked Meredith a question " are you scared of Derek ?" There was no response Meredith was finally asleep Addison brushed Meredith's hair out of her face and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

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