Waiting is always the worst

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Bailey POV
I was doing charts in the icu nurses station when I heard the announcement "CODE BLUE ROOM 1352, CODE BLUE ROOM 1352" I shot up like a rocket because I knew that it was Meredith, I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me . I saw Addison pinned against the wall staring at a lifeless Meredith without hesitation I grabbed the paddles "CHARGE TO 100" nothing "CHARGE TO 200" nothing "CHARGE AGAIN"still nothing but I wasn't going to give up I love this resident like she was my child "ONE LAST TIME" "WE HAVE A RYTHM" one of the code team shouted in relief " YOU DON'T GET TO DIE TODAY" I say turning around looking at the door only to see a crowd, it was my residents they all had tears eyes .
I walked out of Merediths room"someone page Torez" within a few minutes I seen Callie torez running down the hallway "What's going on" she asks when she's finally close enough " Callie I think you should go in to Addison, Meredith coded she's okay now but Addison hasn't moved since she coded"

Callie POV
I walked into Meredith's room to Addison it was like she was frozen , I walked over and pulled her into a tight hug she tried to resist at first but I didn't let go instead I squeezed tighter finally she collapsed into my arms in hysterics, I brought her to the floor and leaned her against the wall and I sat beside her squeezing her hand "it's going to be ok Addie , she's going to be ok" I don't think she heard me I didn't know what to do or how to comfort her so I just sat there holding her hand .

Bailey POV
I was in shock , my resident just coded and I was the one who had to shock her. I was sitting at the nurses station "Bailey everyone's asking me what happened to mer should I tell them" it was Alex "o-o-okay b-b-but no one else".

Alex POV
I brought o' malley , yang and Stevens into the conference room they knew something was wrong with Meredith they just didn't know what " yesterday Bailey was walking down the hallway and she saw a pool of blood coming out of on call room3 , it was locked so I broke down the door and we saw Meredith on the floor covered in blood . Meredith slit her wrists" everyone looked at me with glassy eyes "s-s-she was fine" izzie says breaking the silence " that's what she made us think ,when they cleaned her up we saw scars all over her arms and thighs . She been doing this for awhile" I reply "is she awake yet" yang spoke up "not yet" I reply .

Callie POV
Addison was still hysterical it was like she was in physical pain seeing her fiancé in a hospital bed not moving . I looked up to Addie staring at Meredith's chart trying to see why she wasn't awake , I took my eyes of Addie and looked at Meredith that's when I saw her eyes flutter "Addie look" she didn't hear me so I yelled to get her attention "ADDIE" she looked at me "Look" I point to Meredith who's eyes are now open wide

Meredith POV "I'm sorry , i am so sorry Addie" I whisper . I thought she would hate me for what I did but instead she said "Meredith grey don't ever do that to me again , I love you too much to see you die . My heart ached when you weren't awake , I need you" with that she leaned down and kissed me

Code blue Meredith greyWhere stories live. Discover now