Breakfast With Friends

Start from the beginning

"I know, I was out of turn," Alice smiled softly. "You're a very unique person, I should have seen that early,"

"Thank you Alice, I'm grateful for you reaching out. These mornings, family nights and nights out are important to Bette, I want her to have her freedom, her friends her life. We've had a long chat about things recently and I think it's time we all moved forward."

Alice nodded and smiled. As Tasha walked over with Bette who was holding Xavier. Alice watched as Bette put her arm around Tina and Xavier shifted to be closer to them both. She finally saw her friend as a wife and mother and not just the leader of broken hearts she had been before she had meet Tina.


The doors to the studio were open, Tina heard the car come up the drive and stop. She looked out and smiled as a very well dressed Peggy Peabody got out and looked around the ranch, Tina walked towards her.

"And what do we owe this honour Ms Peabody," Tina asked, smiling

"Agh Tina, just the woman I want, you own all this?" Peggy pointed to the lovely timber framed house, the out buildings, the pool, the large grounds that were woodland but fenced off at the far end of the property.

"Yeah, I bought it when my parents passed. This is the second house on the land. Bette and I designed it together,"

"I love it,"

"Thank you," Tina smiled,

Bette walked down the steps holding Xavier,

"Peggy Peabody, what bring you out to the ranch."

"I came to talk to Tina, if you ever want to sell this place..."

"That's a no," Bette smiled. "We are very happy here."

"Just a thought,"

"Can I get you a drink?"

"Oh wine would be lovely,"

"Sure I can make that appear,"

Bette went back into the house, Tina showed Peggy into her studio.

"This is where the Kennard Magic happens." Peggy grinned as she spoke.

"If you say so, what can I do for you?" Tina asked as they sat at the new table and chairs she had put in. she didn't get many visitors and most of them told her they were coming but this was Peggy and no one really told her what to do,

"I would like you to do something for, something a little special."

"how can I help?"

"I'm celebrating a rather big birthday. I'm not telling you my age but I'm sure Helena will tell you,"

"I'm sure she will," Tina grinned.

"Any how I'm not here to talk about age, I want to really treat myself,"

"This is where I come in?"

"Yes," Peggy grinned, "I would like a season of pencil drawing, all city skylines, all places I've been. I have photographs you can use as reference. I would commission ten pieces. I'm willing to let you do prints of them as well."

"Thanks, it's going to be costly for you,"

"I understand that. I know how much you're drawings cost. I'm willing to make you an offer. I'm hoping you'll say yes,"

"What's the offer?" Tina asked softly.

"For the ten pieces I will pay you.." Peggy took a piece of paper out of her purse and passed it to Tina.

Tina's jaw always dropped when she saw cheque made out to the studio.


"Its my present to me, will you do it for me,"

"Yes of course,"

"Cash the cheque as soon as, here are the photos," Peggie past Tina the ten photos she wanted her to draw and then left.

Tina sat motionless for a long time. Her mind alive with ideas, her heart racing. Bette walked in carrying the glass of wine for their guest.

"She's gone," Tina said,

"Nice of her to take off," Bette said, deciding to drink the wine herself.

"Yeah she got what she wanted from me,"

"What this time?"

"Ten pieces, for her birthday, all hand drawn skylines. She's left photos and she's given me five point four million dollars for it,"

"Fuck me,"

"I do, but Bette my god. I've got to make these pieces amazing now."

"Well good thing you have Roman,"

"Yeah, she said we can make prints. That boy is gonna be busy,"

"You're a very talented lady you know that." Bette grinned. " You can start tomorrow It's nearly six, we have to cook dinner, get little man to bed and then you and I are having a bath together,"

"I don't remember agreeing to that," Tina said smiling at her wife.

"You didn't." Bette said as she turned and walked away. 

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