Raven was then left with with confusion and began to question if she made the right choice. Y/N flew up to her window and sat down on the window sill "Hey Rave. How's it going?" "Did I make the right choice? About not signing. What's gonna happen to everyone? To you, your destiny is to to become the next Jack Frost." Y/N sighs and lowers her head, she was gonna have to tell the truth sooner or later. Thank goodness it was her closest friend though "Raven, there's something I have been keeping from you for a long time. I'm... not from here." "What do mean? We're you from somewhere else? Like Neverland or Wonderland?" "No, what I mean is... I'm not from this world." "What do you mean by that?" "I came here from another world to learn about where my place would be in the real world. Jack Frost, my dad, is from that world. So is my godfather." "Who's that?" "You know how I'm able to take people's fear, and use them to make Fearlings?" "Yeaaah, where are you going with this?" "I was taught by my godfather, the Boogyman, also known as Pitch Black." "Really? Is that why you keep using everyone's fear? What's it for?" "To get me home, to see my dad. To see what it's like back where I was born, to see my godfather again. I miss everyone back home, and I managed to build a machine with the world's technology and mixing it with the fear I collected, I should be able to go home." "But what about everyone here?" "I'll see if I can visit every so often. And about your choice, you didn't make a mistake. Your mother's story is finished, you're the new generation and can become who you want to become." "But what about-" "The kids in my world chose who they wanna be, they didn't need to be told to follow the paths of their parents unless they chose to. If they have a choice, then so do you." "Thanks Y/N, but what about Apple?" "I'll talk to her." Y/N said, slipping off the window sill to find Apple "And Raven." "Yeah?" "You're not being selfish, you have too much of a kind heart to deserve a terrible fate." Raven smiled and waved goodbye to Y/N, who floated away.

Y/N searched but couldn't find Apple, that is with the help of a cat named Spleens. Spleens found Apple walking back to the dorms. "Mreow." Went Spleens, who sat in front of Apple White "Oh, hey Spleens. I'm sorry but I don't have time to play with you." Apple said with a yawn, walking past Spleens, but into Y/N. She wore a black skull mask with dark purple decorations to make it less scary, and she had her hood up." "Y/N? Why are you wearing your mask? And shouldn't you in your dorm room?" "Sleep is for the weak, but we need to talk." "If it's about Raven and I's conversation than no." "Do you even know the suffering she will go through just so you can marry some douche bag that doesn't care about you?" "Daring is not a douche bag, and watch your language. If Raven doesn't sign then we could all go poof, even y-" "But I don't have a destiny." "Yes you do-" "I'm not from this world Apple. I my destiny was never in the Story Book of Legends, and Raven's fate in the book is a lot worse than you think." "How so?" "Because she could die even if she signs." The cut off Apple from saying anything else. "I've read about your mother's story, it always ends the same. With Raven dying because she's the "Evil Queen"." "B-but, that's not how I was told the story." "Then you were lied to. There's only to fates for Raven and they both end in death. You order for her to dance to death in red hot burning shoes, or the dwarves chase her off a cliff. At least that's what I read." "Wh-why death? Isn't there another way?" "Imprisonment from what the mirror showed her before it turned into a feather." Apple began to tear up from the words Y/N had told here "I'm sorry Apple, but Raven isn't selfish. She has a heart of gold." Y/N said, letting Spleens hop on Apple's shoulder. Then leaving through the shadows. "Y-Y/N wait." Apple called out, but Y/N was gone. "Meow." "I guess I have you now Spleens. Until I talk to Y/N." Apple brought Spleens back to her dorm room and placed her down on a cushion seat in front of her bed. "Night Spleens." "Mreow." Spleens went before falling asleep, after hopping onto Apple's bed since it was much comfortable.

The next day

Y/N visited Heritage Hall just in case if Headmaster Grimm tried to pull anything. And not to her surprise, he did, by switching out a magic wand for a pathetic coin. Spleens appeared on Y/N's shoulder and nuzzled her face with hers "Spleens, could you be a good feline and get the wand for me?" Y/N asked politely, Spleens nods and sneaks past everyone and takes back the wand from a box it was locked in "What the?!" Headmaster Grimm shouts, spotting Spleens with the wand "Give it to me you little feline!" He shouted, trying to catch Spleens. She barely makes it out with the wand but manages to give it to Y/N "Good job Spleens, why don't you a rest. You look like you've been through a lot." "Mreow." "Couldn't say it better myself Spleens." Y/N said, she strokes Spleens's back before sneaking into Raven's room and placing the wand there with a note. Y/N then checked her phone to read the latest MirrorBlog that Blondie forecasted "Can you believe it, fairytale fanatics? Raven Queen is going to sign the Story Book of Legends." Y/N choked on her own spit after hearing those words "I thought Raven made up her mind? This isn't right at all." Y/N said to herself. Her phone then buzzed, notifying her about her getting ready for Thronecoming "Crap! I'm gonna be late!" Y/N jumped out of the window to fly off to the location of where she was supposed to get ready.

She made it just in time thank goodness there was only a few things to wear on her Thronecoming outfit. She had to take out her ear piercings for her snowflake earrings and had to wear makeup since all of this was a big deal, with Thronecoming, Raven signing the book, and the parade. It was a lot of pressure to give it your all. Briar then walked in on Y/N trying to tighten a corset she was supposed to wear "Y/N! I'm so sorry. I'll just go." "It's fine, I could use your help with this corset. How do you ladies handle this thing?" "U-uhm sure? It's not that hard." Spleens saw Briar and hissed "Ah! What is that?" "That's Spleens, my shadow feline. She's just protective." "Hi... Spleens." Spleens stopped hissing but gave low growling noises to signal Briar that she was being watched. "So why are you going to Thronecoming? It usually isn't your thing from what I heard." "I have to, otherwise I will have more dorm taken." "Who said that?" "Headmaster Grimm! Agh!" Briar pulled the strings on the corset a little too tight "Sorry!" Briar loosens it but still managed to keep it tight. She tided the strings up to it wouldn't loosen the corset and stepped back "Okay done, but why would Headmaster Grimm threaten you like that?" "Because I interfered with his plans." "What plans?" "Don't know, but I think it has to do with Raven signing because we just had a conversation about her not being selfish when she didn't sign." "Wait what?" "After Apple and Raven's... chat, I talked with Raven that she wasn't selfish and that she made the right choice because if she did she would only seal her death. The death part we did not talk about, that was with Apple." Y/N said as she put makeup on her face. "What!? So if Raven signs she dies?" "Her destiny is TO die once she completes her part of the story, either that or she stays in prison forever after." Y/N said, putting on her belt with little pouches to carry anything she needs. "Are you gonna stop Raven from signing?" "No, but I am gonna ask her about what changed her mind so damn quickly." "What's with your cursing?" "I curse when I'm angry. Anyways you better get the rest of your things ready because the parade's gonna start soon." "You're right. But one more question." "Shoot." "I know my destiny is to sleep for 100 years, but is there more to it like Raven's?" "Actually yeah. You do sleep for 100 years, but in those one hundred years you get raped by your future prince, but it's a king, give birth to children with the help of fairies as you're asleep, but wake up by one of your kids sucking on your finger which had a splinter underneath your nail that caused you to fall asleep in the first place." Briar was in pure shock and in fear "So, this is my destiny?! To lose my virginity while I'm asleep?!" "Pretty much, but hey everyone has their messed up story. Snow White married a 26 year old as soon as she woke up, and she was 14 too." "How messed up are everyone's destinies!" "Ohohoho! There's a lot, but that's why Raven shouldn't sign or at least the idea of not signing was good. No one has to suffer they way their parents did." Y/N said, putting the last few touches on her outfit.

"Thanks Y/N." "For what?" "For tell the truth about our destinies." "Hey, I'm happy to help sweetie. Let me know when you need help with anything." Y/N said, placing her hand on Briar's shoulder before leaving "Come on Spleens." "Mreow." Spleens went as she followed behind Y/N, earring a blue bow with a bell on it. Spleens was acting like a diva with her looking ✨FABULOUS✨! Y/N made her way to her float and let Spleens join in for the ride "Y/N? Is that your float?" Y/N turned her head to see Apple all glamoured up "Yeah, you look beautiful." Y/N commented with a light pink cheeks. "Oh, thank you. You look beautiful yourself, I've never seen your float until now. Why is that?" "I'll tell you later. Right now the parades gonna begins." Apple nods and heads over to her float.

The Light in the Dark {Apple White x Fem~Reader}Where stories live. Discover now