Oldest Son and Daughter

Start from the beginning

"They can but you are not staying with us!" Ark said.

"I will not allow it!" Krissy shouted.

Ark laughs.
"Then leave."

"Ark...How can you say that? What about your children? Just because you hate me, you can't hate them too. Do not be a scumbag who will despised their own kids."

Ark looks at Krissy with anger.
Her mouth is so vile.

He grabs her arm and pulls her.
"They will stay with me and you stay at one of my villa. If you don't like it then I will not care whatever you want to say or do."

"The media! I will post in social media and call the attention of the media. Your company will suffer!"

Lester shows himself out.
His camera is still playing.
"Not if we show this video too."

Krissy gasps.
"You...You planned this!" She angrily hits Ark but Ark only grabs her arms.

Krissy starts sobbing.
"Please help us Ark. The children are not at fault."

Ark sighs.
"Just stay at the villa..."

Belle is drinking wine in the veranda.
Ark is sitting on the side.
They are the only one here.

"I am a mess when you left me...I am still a mess now." Ark laughs.

"You exaggerate. Ypu are always a mess." Belle laughs and looks at Ark.
"She is planning something. And she will do anything to make it happen."

"Don't worry. I will not let anything happens."

"I am not worried about your damn company. I am worried about my children. I swear Ark, if something bad happen to my kids...You will not like it."

"I know."
Ark looks at his glass.
"Are you...happy with him?"

"Kenneth? Of course."

Ark smiles.
"That's good. I'm glad he is not like me."

Belle chuckles.
"I will not go through that pain again. Choosing someone like you."

"Haha." Ark gulps all the wine in his glass.
"I have to go now. Fixing the problem I made myself."

"This time, It is not your fault."

Ark smiles.
"I wish I can say that. But there are two children bearing my dna. If it is not my fault then I don't know who else."

Belle sighs.
"Ark, You are a good person."

"Where did that came from?" Ark laughs.

"You too deserve to be happy."

Ark didn't say anything or else he might say something he will regret later, like , 'then why did you leave me?'

Ark faces Krissy again and 'his' kids.

"Tomorrow you two will undergo dna test with me. In the mean time, you two will live with me and my kids while your mother will stay in my villa."

"Uncle," the eldest son looks at Ark.
Ark is his uncle.
He grows up looking up at him.
When his mother told him he is his father, he was elated inside.

"Yes Joshua."

"I am happy that you are my real father, Uncle." Joshua is 24 years old.
He is already the excutive manager in his father's company but because of his father incompetence the company is going down fast.

Good thing now, he doesn't have to care about the dying company.

"......we will learn about that after the dna test." Ark doesn't know what to feel for this two kids.

He always thought of them as his nephew and niece so he cares for them at least that much but now as their father...how can he so easily love them as that?


"Don't be afraid Jessica. Uncle...No Dad will soon like us."

"I am worried about Dad, Brother. Why are we here when the company is facing problem? Who would help dad?"

"Nonsense! What are you saying? Do you want to live with your poor dad in the street when he lost everything?" Krissy whispered.

"Live in the street?" The woman named Jessica looks horrid.
"Then what will happen to us now?"

"Your new father will give you new home and new life. Aren't I good to choose the best dad for you two? Just make sure you will not anger your Dad and show him your good side. Later, you two will be his real heir and heiress!"

"Um...Okay." Jessica nods.

Joshua didn't care about his mother but she is right.
Soon, his father will see how great he was and that other son who looks like a loser?

A smile spread across his lips.
Something like 'that'is not even a competition.

Kei spoon fed Jeremy.
Jeremy smiles.
"Even if it has hot chili, as long as Kei feed me, I will eat them."

Kei sneers.
"I am hoping for that so eat up."
Kei said and spoon fed Jeremy again.

Jeremy pouts and rubs his face to Kei's neck.
Biting him.

"Jeremy, you dog!" Kei hides his bitten neck with a flush face.

Jeremy smirks and licks his lips.

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