Chapter 16 - Nail Polish

Start from the beginning

"This is my house." Annabeth explained, sitting on the bed next to Percy and motioning for her friends to sit on the chairs.

"You live together?!"

"Yeah, our parents arranged it so we could go to school together, but since my parents didn't want to pay for rent in a crappy apartment and other personal reasons, so it just made sense for us to live together."

"Huh, nice. Sounds fun, my parents would never let me do that though." Charlie said, sitting down.

"Yeah, normally something like this probably wouldn't happen, but our situation was... interesting to say the least. It makes sense if you know the whole story. So, anything you guys want to do?" Annabeth replied, swiftly moving past the topic.

Percy ended up doing some more homework while the girls went onto the balcony to do gods know what. He hadn't managed to complete as much as he'd liked while at the library, mainly because he was tutoring people. Percy still couldn't believe that, him tutoring people. For school. It wasn't like he wasn't clever, he was just never academically gifted or supported enough in a school to be in a place to help other people. Percy was rather proud of himself, he had to admit.

Eventually he got tired of doing homework, after all there is only so long he could go sitting down and doing nothing. Percy walked out to the balcony to see the girls sitting in a circle with a small collection of nail polish in the middle of them.

"Where'd you get the nail polish?" He questioned, sitting down next to Annabeth.

"Found it stuffed in a bag somewhere from Piper or something I assume. I think they're Drew's and she just wanted to piss her off so she gave them to me to hide." Annabeth explained, focusing on painting Aliyah's hand. "Charlie saw them when she went to the bathroom and we just wanted something to do."

"Nice. Who's already been done?" Percy asked, looking over Annabeth's shoulder curiously.

"Mine, Aliyah did them." Charlie announced, showing her finger nails to Percy. They were nothing special, a dark purple with blue dots on them.

"Woah, cool." Percy examined them. "Are they still wet?"

"Yeah, slightly, but they'll be dry by the time I do Annabeths,"

"Interesting. What are you doing on Aliyahs, Annabeth?"

"Pastel orange with a few pink ones." Annabeth replied, turning to look up at him. "Do you want to try doing one?"

"Nah, I'll get it everywhere, thanks though."

"Do you want us to do some on you?" Aliyah asked, examining the hand Annabeth was done with.

Percy perked up in interest. "Would you? What colours?"

Annabeth smiled, amused by Percy's interest. "We've got a few shades of blue, you can choose from those if you want."

"Yeah! That sounds fun!" He grabbed the shades of blue to look at them, holding a few to his nails and seeing how they looked. "How about this one?" He held out a dark blue and all the girls looked over in interest.

"Yeah, that would look nice, Perce."

"Thanks! I'll wait till you're done doing Aliyahs, then can you do mine?"

"Sure! Really want your nails painted, huh" Annabeth asked with a smile as she went back to Aliyah's hand.

"It looks fun and I've never had it done before. I've seen Jason wear it sometimes, when Piper's siblings kidnap him, along with a few other guys at camp. I also saw it when I was little, but Smelly Gabe saw and made some interesting remarks, so that idea was out the window." Percy replied, shrugging.

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