The researcher pushes you. "Go inside," he said and the door is closed behind you.

You look over Norman once again, you want to run to him but nite sure if are you allowed. You never interact with other children and as far as you remember, you aren't allowed to meet them.

Hesitantly, you take one step closer to him and check the researcher's reaction from the glass wall. They are watching your movement and make no reaction to stop you, so you assume approaching him is alright.

You quickly run and jump to him, Norman catches you secure in his hands.

"Norman! Norman! Norman!" you call his name over and over, yearning to finally able to see him.

The boy returns the hug with as much yearning and place his hand on top of your hand.

Finally, the whole week of act is worth it.

You check his appearance and relieved to see there's nothing changed since the last time you see him except he's getting taller. He also looses some weight, but it's alright. Thank goodness he is fine.

"I don't expect to see you, how have you been?" asked Norman.

"I'm fine," you lied. The whole two months in here is like an imprisonments. "And you?"

"I'm alright," he shows a narrow smile. He is lying.

After a brief reunion, you positioned your head on his lap while Norman is stroking your hair. You noted that even though you're finally meeting Norman, the researchers aren't leaving you two alone.

With both of special children in one room, the overseeing is tighter than ever. They are observing your movements, your expressions, and listening your conversations.

You try to test the water. "What were you doing before?"

He is paying attention to the researchers' unbothered expression. "I finished my meal and was on my daily test and suddenly they told me to come to this room."

"What kind of test? My daily tests are always about painting, music, and such."

The researchers are staying still. So talking about daily activities is alright.

He answered, "Same like what we did in back in Grace Field, but much harder with the same amount time limit. The room air is more restless too because I did it alone."

"More restless how?"

"They put a kind of helmet for my head while I did the test. The chair is not a regular chair, it is larger and has this kind of machine that connected through cables into the helmet."

You frowned. "I never saw that before. Is it on a different test room?"

"Probably. It is about ten minutes walk from here."

Norman try to test another subject. "Y/N, did they ever inject those drugs to you?"

"No, they didn't. And you?"

"Me too. They haven't done that, yet."

A voice is interrupting your conversation. "22194 and 92194, please refrain from talking unnecessary thing."

You and Norman nod to the researchers on the microphone. That's the limitation for your subjects.

You give a soft tap in his tight near your face. Three short taps, then three taps that last longer, and another three short taps.




In morse code, those are spelled S.O.S

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