Chapter 14

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POV Danielle
"Oh my God! You kissed?" Barrett asks me super loudly.
"Calm down, we're at work. But yes"
"Oh my God, oh my God. I can't believe this! How did this all happen? When was it? Who started?"
"Barrett, be settled. I don't even know if it was totally us"
"What do you mean not totally you?"
"I- Well, we were running lines."
"But you kissed?"
"Yeah, she said that we could practice that part too, you know."
"Oh, okay, I see."
"Yeah well, that's how it started. But I don't think we were really into character at that moment. I, for my part, wasn't."
"Mhm. Sounds good. Is she here today?"
"No, I don't think so. I think she's filming something for Grey's today. The scenes we ran yesterday are going to be filmed on Monday I believe."
"Okay, okay."
"Who broke the kiss?"
"My phone started ringing. Jay was calling because-"
"What an asshole!"

Barrett looks around the trailer park and screams as she spots him "Jay! Get yourself over here!"
He runs toward us "What is it?"
"You jerk called Dani when she was in a full-on make-out session!"
"Barrett! Stop it" I warn her.
"Oh God, Danielle. Why didn't you say anything? We could have just not watched the game then"
"Jay, it's totally fine."
"Wait, didn't you say you were at Stefania's place?"
"Yes, yes I was."
"Oh! Oh my God I'm so happy for you, D. You finally confessed you feelings toward her."
"Yeah, well, not directly. Wait, how did you know about what I feel?"
"Travis thought me how to use a gaydar, Dani. So tell me, how was it before I ruined everything?"
"Oh, man. Well, I'd love to continue talking to you about it but I have to go to set now. I'll catch up on you guys later."

POV Stefania
The only thing Danielle and I texted since that kiss happened was our ritual good night text. She hasn't reached out since and it's already noon now. Maybe I should give her a call or so? I am happy that whatever this was yesterday happened but not knowing where she is right now or what she's doing makes me worried. Normally we always tell each other whatever we do and we text each other at least one time each two or three hours.

The time passes and passes and late at night, at about 1a.m. I finally get a call by the blonde which wakes my sleepy head up.

"Stefania" she says as calm as possible but I can hear the uncertainty in her voice.
"Bella, hi. What is it? Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes I am fine. All good" she stumbles over her own words and it doesn't take me that long to realize what's going on.
"Are you drunk, Bambina?"
"Me? No. Just- a little tipsy maybe."
"Where are you? Should I come and get you?"
"No, no, no, you don't have to do that. I'll find a way to come home I just missed your voice."
"Where are you?"
"Um- I don't know, at some bar."
"Is somebody with you?"
"Yes yes, uhm. Oh, wait, actually-"
"Hello, Stefania?" A male voice says over Danielle's phone.
"Yeah, who's there?"
"It's Jay. I'm sorry she called you, we couldn't stop her, I just found her outside."
"Don't worry. Is she okay?"
"Well, yeah, She is. She just couldn't stop talking about you and got really drunk. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll bring her home soon, don't worry about her."
"No, Jay, it is okay. Have you drunk anything?"
"Yeah, but only three beer. It'll be fine."
"No, listen. I'll get you two and bring you home safely. Is anyone else there?"
"Just Barrett, the others left already. But her lover will be here any second to pick her up"
"Alright, Jay. Can you send me your address? I'll be there as soon as possible."
"Sure, yeah. And thank you very much, Stefania."
"No problem, see you."

As I arrive at the bar, I spot Jay and Danielle on the outside. I hurry out of the car and make my way toward them.

"Thanks for coming" Jay says as soon as he spots me.
"No problem"
Danielle immediately looks up at me when she hears my voice and wraps her arms around my body. Her head's resting on my neck.
"Are you okay, Bambina?"
I get no answer. She just stands there, hugging me.
I eventually move my head to Jay "Is she okay?"
"Yeah. Looks like she really missed you. But uh- she has drunk quite a bit. And when she's drunk she either turns into a boxing world champion that's ready to beat up everyone who comes along their way or into a soft puppy that needs much attention. Today the second option is apparently the case."

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