Chapter 10

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POV Danielle
"It is not a date, Barrett!" I almost yell to her as we stand in front of my closet to find out what I should wear tonight.
"You guys are joining me and Brett tonight to a restaurant. I'd say that counts as a double-date."
"I just don't want to be third-wheeling, that's why she's coming with us."
"Yeah, sure"

As an explanation, Stefania is coming back from her trip today and I invited her to go to the restaurant with me- with us.
We face-timed yesterday and the day before and we fell asleep with one another on the phone both times. That was so beautiful. I could feel that I missed her but at least we got to talk.
She spoke most of the time - about what they did and everything. I just said some things here and there but I mostly just listened to her divine accent which I love so much.

"Will there be many people around?" I ask Barrett as I pull a jumpsuit out of my closet and hold it in front of me to see what it would look like.
"No, I don't think so. It's Monday. It's cool that we are both free today. I am already excited for you to properly meet Brett."
"Yeah, me too. What do you think of this jumpsuit?"
"I love the color. It matches perfectly with your eyes. Put it on, then I can rate better."

"Ok, yeah- if I were you I would choose this jumpsuit," Barrett says. "Your butt looks good, D. I bet Stefania's gonna love this outfit."
"Oh, shut up, Doss."
She chuckles a bit. "Did you do anything when Jaina and I left the other night?"
"Well, I texted her and we face-timed later on."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, same thing yesterday. Furthermore, she didn't want to hang up so we fell asleep on call"
"D, that's great!"
"Is it? I don't know like I don't want to get too involved. I don't want to get my hopes up if it doesn't work out in the end anyway."
"I understand that. But I believe it's definitely a very good sign. Do you maybe want me to talk to Stefania today? Maybe I can find out if she's into girls or something."
"I don't know. I mean, it would be great if you'd try but please, don't be too obvious."
"I'll try my best, Dani. So, I am going home now, I have to get myself ready too!"

I lead her to the door and we say our goodbyes to each other.

POV Stefania
I am standing in front of Danielle's house right now at 6 p.m. I just came back from the trip about 2 hours ago and now I am going to go eat dinner with her, Barrett, and Barrett's lover Brett, I believe.
Danielle asked me to accompany her yesterday when we were on the phone and of course, I said yes.

She opens the door with a huge smile on her face. "Stefania! So good to see you."
Danielle pulls me into a tight hug for what feels like forever. "So good to see you too"
"Come in"
"Thank you, Bella"

I am so mesmerized by her. She looks gorgeous in that jumpsuit, to put it mildly.

"That jumpsuit suits you very well," I say incidentally to her as I sit down on her sofa.
"What should I say? That dress is just- wow"
"Don't be silly, Tesorina"
"Those two days were very hard, to say the least."
"Oh, Bambina. It wasn't too bad."
"Yeah, because you had a distraction, you were with your friends."
"That's probably right."

"When do we have to leave?" I eventually ask the beautiful blonde next to me. She just put on some music for us to listen to.
"I guess in about 15 minutes."
"Alright. Do you want to come over afterward?"
"Really?" she asks me excitedly.
"Sure, Bambina. Otherwise, you'd miss me tonight again."
"That- That's right actually. And I can't wait to see Jeff again!"
"She can't wait to see you either"
"Do you want to watch the episode that airs this Thursday with me? Jaina, Barrett, and Grey are coming too."
"I can uninvite him if you want. You are more important anyway."
"No, no all good. I'll come"
"He won't bother you again, I promise"
"I know because my big girl is going to protect me from him."
"What, now I am a big girl?"
"Just when it comes to things like that so don't read too much into it. Normally, you're a baby."
"Stop saying I am a baby. I am tough."
"I love how much you get upset about it. That's cute."
"I am not upset."
"It's okay when you say it. If someone else would say that about me they would probably get punched though."
"Oh, then I am lucky to be the exception."
"I think I couldn't even get mad at you if I tried"
"That's good. But I tell you something. You better not make me mad- o geloso." (or jealous)
"What's geoso?"
"Geloso, Bella. It's geloso not geoso. "
"Whatever. I am still learning. What does it mean though?"
"Why would I make you jealous?"
"I don't know. Just- Don't try me."
"I wouldn't dare."

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