Chapter 12

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POV Stefania

I wake up to a sleeping Jeff on my right and a sleeping Danielle in my arms. Our legs are tangled together and I can feel her breath on my bare skin. Her arms are around my waist and she's smiling in her dream. That's so cute. She's so divine, my gosh.
The sun's shining brightly into my face which is why I think it's already pretty late. I slowly get up to look for my phone. I try not to wake up the sleeping beauty next to me. I look around her room and spot my phone at the end of the bed. I have no clue how it got there. Let alone the fact that I don't even know how I got here.

"Come back!" Danielle whines as I sit up a little more to reach for my phone.
"Sorry, Bambina."
I lay back down and she scoots even closer to me. I check the time my phone says.
It's half past 10. I really wonder how I could sleep that long. Danielle and I both have to be at work at 12 so I actually should get ready soon.

"Hm," she groans still half asleep.
"It's already half-past ten"
"We have to work today"
"I'd rather stay in bed with you the whole day" her raspy voice will kill me one day for sure.
"Same, Bella, but that won't work. Can I use your shower?"
"Why not?"
"Because you'd be gone then"
"5 more minutes, please"
"Ok, Bambina"

She is such a baby. When one meets Danielle the first time they would probably never guess how soft she actually is.
Her hand's searching for mine and a short time later our fingers are tangled together. I rub the back of her hand with my thumb and I can feel how high my heart race is.

"I'll go now"
Danielle complaints a bit but in the end she lets me go.
"Can I have some of your clothes?" I ask her.
She nods her head yes, accompanied by a quiet "mhm". Her head is still buried in the pillows.

I go over to her closet and pull out some shorts and a hoodie.
"Or you could just come back to bed," Danielle says now apparently much more awake. I just let out a gentle laugh. "You're so soft"
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me" I look into her beautiful blue eyes. She squints them which made me laugh even more.
"I am not soft" she eventually says.
"Yes, you are. To me"
"Fine, I admit defeat"

"Don't you want to stand up already?" I ask the blonde after about 30 minutes. I finished my shower, put on her clothes, and now I am about to give Jeff something to eat. This isn't a problem due to the fact Danielle bought her some stuff in case I would bring her when I visited her.
Danielle is still laying in bed, now with her arms around the second pillow.
Because I get no response to my question, I sit down at the bed and give Danielle a gentle kiss on her forehead which makes her smile.
"Come on, you're not sleeping"
"Maybe not"
She turns over, reaches for my hand, and looks me up before our eyes meet. "You look good in my clothes." I just laugh her comment off.

"Let's make a deal" I eventually say.
"And which would be?"
"You stand up now and make yourself ready for work and I'll prepare breakfast in the meantime."
"Sounds good."

POV Danielle
I come into the kitchen to an Italian woman standing there, making breakfast. It's much more brunch though because it's already 11.20.
I can see through the window that Jeff's running outside in my garden.

"Look who managed to stand up" Stefania playfully says as she spots me on the doorstep. "Can you please let Jeff in?"
"Sure thing"

I go outside and yell her name. The dog immediately turns around and runs toward me. I love her so much. "Mommy said I should get you. Let's go inside.

Back in the house, Stefania is nowhere to find in the kitchen so I decide to look for her in the living room. And there she is, cross-legged on my sofa with a plate of pancakes on her lap.
"Thank you," she says as she sees Jeff running toward her.

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