67. Twoset Clairvoyants II

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"Great. So I suppose I should just choose to be a rooster and become your kung pow chicken dinner."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO, Brett, don't say that...!!!"

Eddy started to cry.

Brett started to cry, too.

"But I won't wanna be a wizard...!!"



Eddy moved in closer and made their foreheads touch.

"Ooooh my f*cking god, Brett what the hell was going on in that head of yours!?!?!? What kinda psychedelic dream were you having ???!!!"

Brett pushed Eddy away.

"Bah, stop reading my brain..!!!"

Eddy looked hurt.

"I'm just making sure you're okay..."

"Serves me right for trying to mess with your brain and give you a nightmare. I guess the joke was on me. I'm sorry Eddy."

"What?  Is this about last night? Hey, don't worry about it..... aak."


"Incoming premonition. Oh no.. it's blue."

"F*ck, the water related ones are the worst."

They both jumped out of bed and rushed to the living room to turn on the TV.

This just in, police are searching along the coastline for a 14 year old male, his friends being a witness of him falling from a cliff shortly after midnight.

Brett glanced at their wall clock.

"It's 12:21 like what the f*ck is a 14 year old doing out at this hour??"

Eddy was already onto it. He was squeezing his temples to focus.

"Brett...can you call up google map?"

Brett grabbed his phone.

"Here. Whereabouts is it?"


Eddy wasn't even looking at the screen, he moved the map by swiping it once with his index finger, then expanded it with two fingers and pointed to the centre of the screen.

Brett tapped the point to get the coordinates.

"Brett.. can you tell if he's still alive?"

"...Yeah, I think so.. but not for long if he's not fished out of the water very soon..."

"So.. how do we give the coordinates..the location of this kid to the helicopter rescuers?"

"I dunno... there's no hotline for this sort of stuff is there?"

"...hey, they have a Twitter account. Should I tweet to them?"

"I suppose you could. Private tweet, yeah?"

"Yes, definitely....OMG... Brett... I think I got an idea... let me make a new account..."

The helicopter rescue service has just located the 14 year old youth in the water. He was exhausted and was found just in time before he drowned.

"Brett... the helicopter services have replied to our private tweet asking how we got the exact coordinates of this kid."

"I think we should just ignore them for now."

"...F*ck Brett, they just wrote that if we don't respond they'd report us to the police and block us!!!"

"I doubt it. Why block us when we fed them useful information? Why report us when we've committed no crime? It's not like we tossed the kid in the water ourselves. The little brat was drinking with friends and fell off the cliff when he was being an idiot by walking on the bloody handrail. His friends are witnesses. I suppose they might suspect one of them being the tweeter."


Eddy doubted that since the coordinates were quite a distance away from where the boy had fallen into the ocean.

"Eddy, if this dies down without too much fuss, maybe we could just private tweet stuff to authorities whenever we find out stuff? It would save us from all the fuss we get when we show ourselves to authorities or to the general public."

"True. That's a good idea. We can stay anonymous and help people, that's brilliant. So what did you call your Twitter account?"


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