"Dad, I'm curious, what was one time where you just wanted to beat the shit out of us?" Jungkook laughed. I furrowed my brows.

"There's never a time that I wanted to do that!" I defended.

"Dad, you spanked us every time we lied to you; I don't think this is very fair." Jimin said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine! I don't really remember though." I said thinking in my head, but one popped up. "Oh, I know." Both boys looked surprised but interested.

"What is it?" Jungkook said leaned against the table.

"It was when you, Jimin, and Taehyung were smoking in the park and then both of you told me you were never going to touch another cigarette in your life and then I caught Jimin with a juul like a couple months later." I said staring straight at Jimin who was shocked.

"Oh, I definitely remember that. I thought I was going to die that night." Jimin said rubbing his butt.

"But you stopped, right?" I asked.

"Yes sir, I did. After that night, I threw everything away and never touched anything like that ever since. 7 years clean!" He said as he drank the wine.

"Good because if you didn't, I am not afraid to beat your ass right here." I threatened. He nodded his head.

"Yes sir, I am not going to question that!" He chuckled. "What about Jungkook. Was there a time like that for him?"

"Oh yeah. Remember when we were in lockdown and you snuck out of the house to go to a house party?" Jungkook froze.

"Oh right. That happened." He said as his eyes widened. "That was so bad. I feel like that one was the worst." He said.

"It was a stupid choice you made; I can tell you that!" I said.

"We had some wicked fights when we were young though. Remember slapping me in the face hyung?" Jungkook said leaning towards him. Jimin just looked away and finished his glass. "Hmm?"

"Yeah well you slapped me too. You also threw toys at me."

"You told Dad that I threw a plant at you!" Jungkook shouted.

"Dad believed it!" Jimin shouted back as he couldn't hold his laughter in. Both of them looked at me.

"What? We were in the heat of the moment!" I defended. There was laughing and smiling from everyone as we discussed more events that happened. "Oh! Is there anything you guys have done when you were little that I don't know about?" I questioned and they both immediately looked at each other. I was shocked to see them discussing each one to tell me.

"Well, there is the one time where hyung snuck out, got drunk with his friends and then asked me to drive him home. I was a good brother and covered for him." Jungkook puffed up his chest.

"You also got $50 and I had to buy you ice cream for a week." Jimin clarified. I turned to Jimin.

"Excuse me?" My jaw was to the floor. "When did this happen?"

"Jungkook just got his license so he was 16 and I was 17 at that time." Jimin said. "But! There's also the time where Jungkook skipped class to go with his friends so they all took the city bus and went to the mall but they didn't have enough money to get back so Jungkook made me drive his friends home. It was annoying but I called it even."

"When is skipping class ever a good idea?" I said to Jungkook.

"It's not! But hey, I graduated, and I'm in college!" Jungkook explained with a cheeky smile. I was astonished.

"You guys were really sneaky I can tell you that. I never got away with anything from your grandfather and he would eventually always catch me." I said reminiscing on my childhood.

"Grandpa sounds so strict. I feel like I would be scared if he raised us." Jungkook said.

"I mean he was a good guy, but he was very strict about rules in the house. You can even ask uncle Namjoon if you want." I chuckled at them shaking their heads.

The night was spent laughing and telling each other stories and finishing the bottle of wine. I hadn't laughed that much for a really long time and it made me realize how much I loved them and missed my boys. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world and I'm so glad that they are my boys.

A/n: Hello! You can think of this chapter as a recap of some of the major events that happened, AND a little sneak peek as to what's coming! (Yes, everything that I mentioned in this story that has not already been written is either a request or a prompt that will happen in the future). Thanks again for all the support! Sorry I'm so inactive all the time! Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys! 

2021 A/n: This is he oldest I've written them and I just thought.... What if I made a book about Jimin and/or Jungkook being a dad and the crazy life that they have?? Just a thought, idk if that will happen just because I want to write other books that don't relate to this one but it is a possibility if you guys want. Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys 

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