Chapter 3: Hoping To Be Noticed

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The teacher pointed to the back where he sat. Sean... But how was that possible?! I just saw him skating off down the hallway. Dumbstruck for a moment I didn't move, I just stood there like a complete and total idiot. Some kids were snickering at me and my face turned bright red from embarrassment. I quickly walked to my seat and sat down next to Sean.

He smirked as I took a peek at him. I quickly turned my attention to the front where our teacher started the rest of the class discussion. I zoned out and my mind wandered to Sean. I had to stop thinking about him! He's a major hot guy, super popular, and extremely amazing. Yet he's so rude and conceited...

If I get attatched he'll leave, they always do. I have never had a relationship, EVER. Frankly, I doubt I ever will. My best friends in schools have always left...or I left, one of the two. But after one of us leaves we never speak again. Either my friend left for a popular group and it was "uncool" to be around me anymore or we left and it was too much work to make an effort to text or call. I learned to be alone. It was better that way and definitely less painful.

The day passed by quickly and before I knew it I was back home. Mr. and Mrs. Axton still weren't home from the night before. Ann and Lisa took me home and a little while later I ran out with Lisa to pick Lily up. She ran out of the kindergarten room all smiles and giggles. Lily ran straight to me and I picked her up in a hug. I hadn't known her for very long but I already felt the family bond. I didn't want to become attatched but I couldn't help myself.

We got home and Lily took me to her room. The walls were a bright pink with princess wallpaper. She jumped on her bed and took her homework out of her backpack. It was a coloring sheet and I laughed at how easy hers was. She started coloring and I laughed at how adorable she is!!!

"We're home kids!" I heard a yell from downstairs and the door shut. Lily screeched and ran out of the room to where her parents stood. I walked out of the room to the top of the staircase. They're home and they brought company.

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