"It was a-a d-dare." He admitted.

"A dare? Are you kidding me? Why didn't you just say no?" I had reached my limit.

"I don't know."

"Go find a switch outside and come back when you have an answer." I said. He looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Dad please! I'm sorry, I won't ever do it again!" He pleaded.

"After today, I know you won't do it again. So, go! I do not want you to come back until you have an answer as to why you would do that to someone!" He dropped his arms and it took a minute for him to stand up as he was on his knees for a long time. He limped out the room and I heard the door open and close.

I let out a breath. I hated this so much! I felt like I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to hug Jimin and let him cry on my shoulder. My throat felt raw and I'm sure his was too from all the crying so I poured two glasses of water. I peeked out the window to see him sitting at the base of the tree with his hand over his face. I had to go out there. I couldn't bear it anymore. I shut the door and jogged over to him. I sat down beside and hugged him tight. He immediately shifted so that his head was on my chest. I could feel the tears flowing down as I rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

"Breathe, you're going to make yourself sick." I said calmly. It took him quite a while to stop crying and calm down a bit. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just sorry. I didn't mean to be a bully to him but the peer pressure just got to me." He explained.

"Who told you to do that?" I asked as I tried to keep my fire low.

"It was one of my friends. None of us wanted to do it but he picked me to." I sighed. His head didn't leave my chest.

"I know you already know this, but you can't ever do that again, do you understand? I don't ever want to get a call from the school telling me you were a bully; I don't want to leave work to come here if I don't need to." I lectured. "You know that this is still happening right?" I asked as I pointed to the tree. He sighed and nodded. "Go to your room, I'll be there in a minute." He nodded and walked towards the door.

I looked at the tree with its bare branches. It made me think of times where I had to find a switch and it truly sucked. I grabbed a couple and brought them inside. I was only going to use one and stuck the others in one of my plant pots. I smoothed out the switch with a knife, making sure that there were so rough spots that could cut him. I looked at it one last time and then headed upstairs. I saw him sitting on his bed picking at his hands.

"Jimin," he jumped then looked up at me. He saw the switch and looked back down. I sat beside him, putting the wooden stick on the ground. "This is what's going to happen. We are going to start just with my hand and then a belt. Since you never had the switch before, I'll only do a couple on your bottom and calves, but I'll tell you, it hurts." I explained and he silently nodded. I tapped my lap and he hesitated but crawled onto it.

"I'm starting," I said and landed a hard smack in the middle of bottom. He jerked forward but didn't say anything. It was silent for the first half of it with my hand. He groaned here and there but it wasn't anything abnormal. When I finished with my hand, I stood him up and set him by the bed. He grabbed the frame of it as I got out a belt. He looked at me with his classic puppy-dog eyes but this was a time where it didn't work on me.

"Dad, it hurts!" He said as he rubbed his butt. Normally I wouldn't allow that, but I let it slide this once.

"I know it does. Maybe it's how that kid felt when you did that to him." I folded the belt over so that the buckle was in my hand. "I'm giving you 20 with this and then I'm going to get you to change into some sweatpants or shorts." I explained. He nodded and that was my sign to begin. I did it in three sessions.






It was at around 13 when I heard him let out small cries. 7 more, please help me get through this!


"Almost done, Jimin. 4 more." I said and focused those on his sit spot. He howled as he gripped the frame tightly. I put the belt back on as I sent him away to find some clothes that would be lighter. I picked up the cane and ran my fingers around it, doing another check. He came back with some basketball shorts on and his jeans in his hands. He dropped it on the ground as I pointed to the frame of the bed.

"Dad please. I'm sorry!" He said grabbing the bed again.

"I know, Baby. I'm only doing 10 on your bum and then 5 on your calves. Then it's over." I explained. The switch hurt, a lot. The first stroke down made him jump forward. The next couple hitched his breath.


"Jimin, I hope we can never do this ever again," WACK "I don't like punishing you and you don't like this either," WACK "I'm disappointed in you today and I'm upset."

I finished the last ones on his backside. He was already crying again and I tried to wipe his tears. I stood him up as I sat on the floor.

"I want you to count these, and you will answer my questions. After this, you will also write an apology letter to the kid and give it to him." I explained.

"Yes sir." He said and I drew arm back and it hit the middle of his calves.


"Ow! Ah! One." He sniffled.

"What did you do today?" I looked up at his profile.

"I shoved someone in the hallway and I broke his binder."



"What do you call that?"



"Three, ow Dad!"

"And why did you do it?"

"Someone peer pressured me into it."



"Will you do that ever again?"

"NEVER! I will never, ever bully anyone again!"


I stood up and hugged him tight! His tears soaked my shoulder but I didn't mind.

"Baby I love you, but please, never again!" I whispered as I pet his hair. He nodded.

"I'm so sorry!" He hitched his breath.

"Shhh, it's over." I gently set him down, not letting go of our embrace. "It's done, but don't forget this, okay?" He nodded again. I saw angry red lines cover his legs and winced as to how much it probably hurt. I could feel his body becoming heavy as he was growing tired, so once I heard soft snores, I laid him down on his stomach on the bed. I ran out to grab some ointment and carefully spread it on his calves, lightly blowing to ease the pain.

I looked at my beautiful boy and sighed.

Why did he have to do that?

A/n: Hi friends, I know this was a bit harsh but at the same time, I had messages saying they wanted to see 1. more older versions, and 2. a little harsher. Let me know what you want. Also, please don't attack me, thanks! Do you want a younger chapter next or an older? More Jungkook, or more Jimin, or more together? As always leave comments and suggestions!! 

2021 A/n: This was a chapter I completely forgot about. Also that was kinda harsh oh my god, but like don't bully someone. Again, never realized so many people wanting to have chapters where they are older and now looking at it, about half of the book so far (from ch 1-ch 53) are older. Interesting... Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys

Life as a Single Parent (BTS Spanking Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें