Hwang In Yeop - PRETEND

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There he is again. Sitting under the tree, probably reading his script. The sun shines right above him. There are no telling whether he is shining because of the sun, or him himself.

From afar, there are girls lovingly staring and taking pictures of him. They look excited and shrieking whenever he looks at them.

"Hwang In Yeop oppa!" one of the girl is shouting his name.

He turn around, smiling while waving. "Hey there" He greet them.

Wow, that deep voice.

"__________! What are you staring at?" My friend suddenly jumps in front of me.

"No, nothing Ga Young." I quickly snap out.

"Ohh, you're staring at him again?" Ga Young is smirking.

"No I'm not. I'm.. staring at the sky. Woahh, it's such a nice day isn't it?" I awkwardly laugh.

"Yeah right. I can introduce you to him if you want to. All you got to do is ask for it." She still smiling.

"Are you showing off now?" I knew that she and In Yeop did a drama together.

" Yes I am." She laughs.

"No thanks. I'm starving. Let's go to the cafeteria!" I dragged her away.


As soon as we come inside the café, we saw girls running and going wild.

"What happen? Is there a fight?" Ga Young wonder.

"Who cares? I'm starving. What do you want to eat? I'll pay." I ignore the chaos and start ordering our lunch.

I purposely choose a table on the end of the café to avoid the chaos.

While we're still devouring our lunch, all of the sudden a deep voice call out for Ga Young. We both instantly look up.

"In Hyeop oppa!"She wave at him.

"Can I join you guys? It will be less awkward than eating all by myself." He ask.

"Sure. But no fans are allowed here." Ga Young purposely raise her voice to chase away the girls who has been following him.

"So he's the reason who the chaos just now. No wonder." I talk to myself.

He take a sit beside Ga Young and start talking to her while enjoying his lunch.

I don't know why but I keep staring at my food. I can't seem to bring my head up and look at him. Stupid me.

Suddenly I feel a light kick on my leg. I instantly look at Ga Young. She is signaling me to look at In Hyeop with her eyes.

I shake my head and look down again.

"So oppa, this is __________." All of the sudden she introduce me. Damn it, this girl.

"Oh hi. Nice to know you. I'm In Hyeop." He offers his hand while smiling.

"Oh..hi. Nice to know you too." I bring all my courage to look at him and shake his hand.

As soon as our eyes met, I froze.

He looks so good up close. His eyes, nose, and lips. Fair skin, long fingers and cute smile. I'm amazed by how good looking he is.

"Ehem" Ga Young kick me again, and I finally snap out.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare." I apologize.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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