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"Act normal,please." Jungwon pleaded Sunoo, his head shaking disdainfully as he watched the other stalk around like a lunatic old lady.

"I am acting normal, don't worry." Said the other, grinning to himself like a mad fool while occasionally whipping his head to the side to look upon some random citizen.

Here they were, in the middle of a neighbourhood where two murders happened, searching for a clue that might unravel the Nidra.

They were in their casual clothes due to Sunoo's belief that the murderer would flee if he or she saw police officers swarming around their house.

They walked every path that lead to the murder spot, but it was of no use. The spot was well connected to millions of houses, providing access to almost the entire neighbourhood.

The spot felt like Rome, for all roads led to it.

Oh, the blasphemous reality.

All day long, they broke their backs under the burning Sun to get not even one clue. Jungwon huffed and puffed, his petite body close to exhaustion while Sunoo felt like his limbs were going to ache for the entire next week.

"Let's just hang around this place for a while, okay?" Jungwon suggested, trying to keep positive. Sunoo nodded, pushing back the frustration that was slowly bubbling within him.

They walked from house to house, path to path for the entire evening. The Sun was edging near the western horizon, ready to descend into its daily slumber.

Just as they were walking down a couple of apartments, they heard a bunch of university students talk amongst themselves.

"But Heeseung never disappeared like this before? He doesn't pick his phone up nor does he come to the college. The last time I saw him was on the night of the first murder that was done in the park."

Jungwon tensed beside him, his brain fully running. Sunoo looked down, humming a slow ballad to seem casual as they eavesdropped on the students.

"Where is his house again?" someone asked.

"Number 23, Sunki Street."

Enough. This was very much enough for the two officers to go sprinting past the students to reach the house of this so called Heeseung.

They stood in front of the narrow apartment that was covered in cracks and falling cement. A quant, low maintenance apartment fit for students who are on the verge of going broke.

Hmm, what was Heeseung's surname again?

They went around and found the owner, efficiently bombarding her with all questions regarding Heeseung. What was his full name? Economic standard? Collage? Phone number?

After quickly gathering the info, they went back to their office to fully analyse this boy.

Lee Heeseung, age 18, SunghoonSupreme University. Has a bank account with enough money to last 4 years of collage, but cannot afford luxuries. An A grade student, no demerits.

"It's always the perfect ones, you know." Jungwon laughed dryly, "And yet, no one ever suspects them." Sunoo nodded lightly, his fingers tracing the details over and over.

"Let me get Ni-ki to type in the details on a file." The other added, turning around to get the young boy when Sunoo suddenly rasped, "NO!".

No? But why?

A questioning look from Jungwon was enough to silence the other who hung his head low. "Not yet. I have my doubts about him." Jungwon thinned his lips, "Why? It's not like he is similar to that spy in any way."

"I know, but..." Sunoo trailed off. He didn't know why he suspected Ni-ki, why he was so careful with him. The other sighed, "Fine, I won't tell him. But you better come up with an explanation later."

Sunoo gave the other a weak smile as he watched him sit down to do the paper work. The random clicks of the keys sent him into his own world, acting like a lull that was numbing his senses.

His thoughts went to Ni-ki, the sweet, energetic intern. Ni-ki was nice, nothing wrong about him. It was a pity that Sunoo didn't fully see the spy, or remember the scoundrel's features to compare with any other.

All he could remember was  the tuft of light brown hair, almost similar to the spiralling sky that night. That light brown hair that was a contrast to Niki's greyish blue.

Niki's greyish blue hair.

Greyish blue.

Hair dye.


Ok, what on earth is NCT hollyw**d??

Like I ain't interested in stanning Paul and his friends

SM sucks

SM is trash

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