While I'm folding up my pants, I heard the door open and it's was Gabby walking in the house with her curly honey blonde hair weave and her simple clothes which is her purple strapless sundress.

"What's up babe", I said as I saw Gabby taking off her flip flops.
" Hey Chris", She said as she went closed to me and kissed me before she pulled her sundress down and went to the kitchen as she about to fixed her some Blue Bell brand cookies two steps ice cream since she getting ready to offer me some.

"Chris", She said as she took the bowl out of the cabinet.
" Yeah", I said as I'm about to put the towel up since I'm almost finished with the laundry.
"Do you want some ice cream?", She asked.
" Yeah and hand me the bottle of water", I said since we about to chill for a while anyways.

I mean, we ain't leaving until around 7 PM since it's almost 1 PM right now. I'm about to turn on the Blu-Ray player until Gabby came back with the tray of ice cream, the bottle of water and bottle of fruit punch Gatorade as she gave the ice cream and water to me.
"Thanks baby", I said as I'm getting ready to play "Jason's Lyrics".
" You're welcome", She said as she laid down on the love seat and start eating the ice cream.

I know you asking what time we going home, probably around 10 PM since we going to eat while we at the skating rink.


After I ate the ice cream and took a nap while Chris is playing the video games, he woke me up since it's time to get ready for a little night out. Yeah, I'm wearing the hair scarf so that I won't have to do much but spray them.

So I got up, went to the bathroom and took an shower. When I'm finished doing my hygiene, I got out of the bathroom as I went to Chris's room to put on my clothes as I sprayed my love box, put on my purple boy shorts, lotion my body and put on my blue high weight ripped jeans and black crop top.

Gabby's outfit

I'm getting ready to put on my deodorant until I heard Chris's voice

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I'm getting ready to put on my deodorant until I heard Chris's voice.
"Gabby, what's time is it?", He asked as I put on the deodorant on my left arms.
" It's 6:30 PM", I said as I put on the deodorant on my other armpit. Yes, we'll be leaving in 30 minutes so I put on my silver heals, put on some makeup, put on my earrings, put on my necklace, sprayed myself and got out of his room as I turned off his lights and too my purse with me.

I walked in the living room as I saw Chris in his causal clothes since he's wearing the blue jeans, white shirt and brown jacket even though it's July but whatever, it's be warm outside at night anyways.

Chris's outfit

"Are you ready to go babe?", He asked as he turned the TV off even though he not watching anything important

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"Are you ready to go babe?", He asked as he turned the TV off even though he not watching anything important.
"Yes", I said as I followed him and heading out of the door since he made sure that the door is locked before he unlocked his car door.

Yes, he taking his car with him for our double date and cookout at his aunt house because he don't want me to burn up the gas to the skating rink even though I can put some more gas in my car on our way there.


Gabby and I pulled up to the skating rink called "Royal Skateline" as I turned the music down and killed the engine while Gabby straight her hair. On my way over here, I let Gabby text Anthony to let him know that we on our way over here so that I won't cause the car wreck like half of them freaking idiots of Detroit.

Gabby and I walked in the skating rink after I made sure that my door is locked as I saw Anthony and his girlfriend sitting at the bench by the food court.
"What's up Chris and Gabby", He said as he gave me an dap while Amanda sit there and waving at us.
"Sup Anthony", I said as Gabby getting ready to say something to Amanda.

"Hey, you must be Amanda, Chris's girlfriend", She said as she took out her hands.
"Yeah, that's me", She said since she meeting my girlfriend. After them 2 girls shuck their hands, we went to the skate section since we about to change our shoes as " I Can't Feel My Face" by The Weekend started playing in the background.

I know you asking who going to pay for everything, it's Anthony since he got enough money for the food since we planing on eating over here anyways.

It's been a couple of hours since Chris, Anthony, Amanda and I skating since Amanda almost fall and bust her ass the 3rd times that we skated.

She admits that she not the best skater in the world especially when she sprinted her ankle trying to get up when she was 16 years old. Now, all 4 of us is at the food court eating since I got myself some hot wings, loaded fries and some lemonade while the other 3 got pepperoni pizza.

While we eating, I asked Amanda about her 3 years old daughter since she told me that she's the single mother and works at the children hospital.
"So, who's watching your daughter?", I asked as I takes an bite of the fries.
" I was going to get my ex-boyfriend's mom to watch her but she's out of town so I decided to get my mom to do it ", She said since that little girl sees her father every other weekends.

It's seems like her and her baby's father is trying to get along for the sake of her daughter Mariah since they had the nasty break up. I may not know that little girl but she deserves having the father in her life regardless of the relationship between her parents didn't work out.

Yes, me and Amanda is getting along just fine without any other the ratchet bullshit especially when she about the same age as Chris and Anthony is and I'm 19. Before Chris and I return the skate and change our shoes back, I gave her my phone number so that she can call me.

I'm going to Chris's and make the banana pudding since I'm still coming to the cookout with Chris tomorrow and it's ain't going to start until around noon anyways since it's going to be a lot of kids throwing the water balloons and shit on the hot day.

Gabby 🔥🔥🔥🌊Where stories live. Discover now