The Question: 47

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I sat in the limo, only inches away from Harry, I stared out the window, quietly. My hand fidgeting with the box in my jacket pocket. My mind rushing over a thousand thoughts at once.

I was so nervous, I wondered if he was catching on already, god I really hope he wasn't. Even if he was, he didn't necessarily know what I was doing exactly. My hands began getting sweaty, my body radiating heat, I tried remaining calm, as Harry held my other hand, on my thigh.

I guess we were both thinking, seeing as we looked out the window silently, he definitely knew what I was planning. I replayed every moment we shared together in my head, drowning myself in every single memory. The way he made me feel giddy even to this day, the way he still so badly turned me on when he bit his lip, or even let out a non-sexual moan.

Everything this boy made me feel never went away, it never calmed down either. You'd think that being together would submerge some of those feelings, but it only heightened them. There was never a moment where I looked at Harry and wasn't in awe of him.

Despite waking up beside him every day, he still made me feel everything just like the first time. God, looking back at our problems, they seem so foolish now, but what if he said no? What if he didn't believe in this type of stuff?

My thoughts were cut off, when we arrived at the restaurant, Harry excitedly looked out the windows. I had chosen to reserve a fancy restaurant for the night, that also happened to have a nightclub above, which I had also rented out.

I let Harry step out of the limo first, quickly taking out my phone, texting Niall and Liam to set everything in place.

I shoved my phone in my jacket pocket, Harry opened my door, holding his hand out, I smiled, taking his hand. Hand in hand, we walked into the restaurant. We were greeted by a hostess, leading us to our table, in the corner of the building.

The table was placed in the corner, with a gorgeous view of the city. The table was lit, as a beautiful piano melody was being played by a nice man, in the other corner of the restaurant. Harry's face was lit up, as we both sat down, my hands becoming sweatier.

"Why is this place empty?" Harry chuckled, nervously fidgeting with his silverware.

"I rented the place out, wanted to have a special night where we weren't gawked at all night," I explained, a waiter making their way towards us.

The waiter placed a chilled wine bottle on the table, popping it open, pouring white wine into each of our glasses. Harry laughed at the sound of the pop, the waiter giving us a smile, placing the bottle back into the ice.

Harry took my hand in his, raising his glass, "A toast to a beautiful date," Harry said, I gulped, as we clank our glasses together, taking a sip.

We took a minute to look at the menu, his hand still in mine, stretched across the table. Harry's eyes peeked at mine, over his menu. I smiled at him being nervously playful. We both held eye contact, the waiter sneaking upon us.

I cleared my throat as Harry began to order,

"I'll do the well-done steak, with the side of mash potatoes and string beans," Harry said handing his menu to the waiter, the waiter writing down his order,

I bit my inner cheek until the waiter turned to face me, suddenly I grew nervous.


I cleared my throat, trying to compose myself, the waiter giving a comforting smile, I glanced over to Harry, his face was a little red.

What were we 12? I shook my thoughts out of my head, I was allowed to be nervous, I was proposing for god's sake, and Harry was getting nervous because he could tell how nervous I was...

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