What A Dream: 43

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"Morning Love," Louis said, placing a cup of tea on the kitchen Island.

"DADDY!!"  I heard the voice of a child say, along with tiny footsteps growing closer,  feeling the small arms of a child wrapping around my legs, my heart lit up with joy, going to pick her up.

"Hey sweetheart,"  I cooed at her, Louis walking over to us, a mug in his hand. He softly placed a kiss on my lips, along with caressing the child's cheek, before taking a seat at the dining table.

A teen boy walked into the kitchen in pj's, greeting Louis with a fist bump. He walked over to me, giving the child I held in my arms a kiss on the cheek, as well as ruffling up my hair, on his way to grab some cereal.


"Yeah?"  Louis and I both answered to the teenage boy, I would never be able to get over this, as we both laughed.

"Sorry I always do that-"  The teenage boy said.

I quickly realized what was going on, I stared back at Louis, examining what was happening. Before I could say something, the cry of a baby was heard.

Louis got up, making his way to a room, I followed behind him, placing the child down. We both went into the room, my heart melted. The room was a pretty light blue, with stars on the ceiling, two cribs against the walls opposite each other.

Louis walked over to one of the cribs, as I walked over to the other like it was a natural habit. Reaching down for the baby, I picked him up, rocking him in my arms.

I turned to face Louis, who held the other baby, also rocking the baby in his arms. We both looked at each other, as we cared for each baby, the obvious love shown through each of our eyes.

"I love you,-"



I laid on the cold floor of our bedroom, hearing Louis laughing from above me. I flipped over to see a dim-lit room, Louis peeking at me from above the bed, smiling like an idiot.

Louis reached his hand out, offering to help me, but I continued to lay on the floor.

"C'mon babe," Louis nudged his arm towards me,

I took his hand, pulling myself up from off the ground, placing myself back onto the bed. I noticed it was still dark, I could see the sun setting.

"What were you dreaming about?"  Louis asked, closing the book he was reading, placing it beside him on the nightstand. I smiled, remembering my dream, knowing exactly what it was now. Louis shuffled closer to me, leaning against the headboard, I laid horizontally, placing my head in his lap, as I stared up at him, admiring his beautiful features.

"It was the most beautiful dream I have ever had,"  I explained, before ranting on about my dream, Louis clinging onto my every word.

"We had twins?!"  Louis said excitedly, placing a kiss on my lips.

He pulled away, gazing into his blue eyes, I lost myself in them. We had never really had the conversation about kids, neither of us had rejected the idea, but again we never really did discuss it.

I bit my lip, losing myself in his eyes, while I thought about how to ask if he wanted more kids. "Do you want kids?" Louis blurted out, his face starting to get red.

"Of course I want kids," I chuckled, searching his face. His face held a confused look, making me grow nervous, as his hand left mine. He cleared his throat, looking across the room, taking a deep breath. I grew nervous at his touch leaving mine, as his face held a weird look.

"Lou...?"  I called out to him, his eyes shooting down to my face. His hand making its way to my cheek, caressing it. He sighed, holding my chin before saying,

"We never really have talked about this-"

"Wait Lou..do you not want kids?" I asked worried, cutting him off mid-sentence, Louis eyes darted into my face, his brows furrowing.

"Are you kidding me, of course, I want kids,"  Louis stated, making my heart grow at ease.

"But love, you do realize we'd have to adopt?"

"I mean adopting isn't bad, hell I wish I could adopt every child out there! It's just...I do wish I could have children biologically though,"  Louis explained.

"Yeah..surrogacy is illegal in the UK," I said looking up to him, I completely understood what he was saying.

"Yeah...but hey, raising a child with you is all I want, whether they shared my blood or not,"  Louis said, playfully leaning down to kiss me.

I kissed him back, running my hand through his hair, tugging at it a bit. The small kiss slowly turned into a full-blown make-out session.

I grunted, hearing Louis moan into my mouth, while his tongue slithered its way into my mouth, moving against mine. I tugged at his hair, aching for more, as the kiss intensified.

Louis pulled away, stringing a strand of saliva along, making me grunt. Louis looked down at me,

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